Greenalia and P2X-Europe signed a collaboration agreement to carry out the Breogn project, focused on the production of sustainable fuel for aviation. The initiative envisages a circular process in which, together with green hydrogen, biogenic CO would be used to produce the hydrocarbons. The combination of green hydrogen and biogenic CO constitute the two critical elements for successful production of net-zero synthetic feedstocks for the chemical industry and jet fuels on an industrialscale.

Under the name of Breogn Project, the Galician company Greenalia and the German company P2X-Europe, a joint venture of H&R and Mabanaft, have signed an agreement that settle the foundations for the implementation of a sustainable fuel production plant (eFuels) intended especially for aviation. The agreement, signed by the CEOs of both companies, includes as its main objective the development of an ambitious and innovative facility, planned at the Curtis-Teixeiro industrial area, for the generation of synthetic hydrocarbons, which will serve as raw material for conversion into sustainable fuels and chemical base materials. The products are essentially aimed at aviation and the development of high-value waxes for the chemical industry.

The facility will be supplied with green hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources - wind and solar - and biogenic CO obtained directly from Greenalia's biomass plant in Curtis-Teixeiro. The project estimates a production capacity of more than 11.000 tons of green hydrogen per year in its initial phase, a figure that, together with the capture of biogenic CO, could produce around 20,000 tonnes of synthetic hydrocarbons ready to be refined into eFuels and synthetic chemical products.