Grocery Industry Data for Catalogs, Apps, Websites, and Kiosks

Stuttgart, June 15, 2012 - EDEKA has chosen Heiler Software to manage its marketing and sales data through catalogs, apps, and websites. EDEKA's introduction of Heiler Software's Product Information Management (PIM) system will allow EDEKA to optimize the quality of its product data through a single platform. Communication with customers will be improved and sales will be increased.

By opting for Heiler Software's Product Information Management (PIM) system, EDEKA will manage all of the image and media data for its private label and national branded products in a single system. "The Heiler PIM solution will serve as the basis for harmonized marketing and sales activities. It will be our tool for consistent brand communication," says Dirk Rohlfs, CEO of LUNAR. "A key factor in our decision to go with Heiler was the capability to integrate existing SAP data, which is released via iDocs at EDEKA. This will allow us to optimize the process of combining our media data with our SAP master data."

"A picture is worth a 1,000 words," says project manager Matthias Blodig. This is especially true in the food industry, where having an attractive presentation of products is crucial. "Being able to enrich our master data with advertising copy and images was another reason we chose Heiler," added Blodig who, together with Eike Stelling, manages the PIM project.

The PIM system even manages EDEKA's compliance with the many regulatory obligations and information that must be available to customers. Nutrition, food allergy, and dietary information are all easily retrievable by EDEKA's customers with the new EDEKA app. The images and other data that are not in the SAP master data are supplied by the PIM solution.

The new Heiler Product Information Management system will replace EDEKA's previous database to manage their increasing volume of data more efficiently. The comprehensive product information will be used for EDEKA's large catalog, as well as on its app and website. The national and regional stores that make up the EDEKA group will be able to load the product data straight into in-store kiosks for promotions.

About the EDEKA Group
EDEKA is a cooperative group of more than 4,500 independent retailers. Its core business consists of full-service grocery stores run by small entrepreneurs. With its subsidiary, Netto Marken-Discount, EDEKA is also a player in the discount business. In 2011, EDEKA had approximately 12,000 stores and 306,000 employees, generating $45.6 billion in sales. EDEKA has approximately 18,100 apprentices making it one of the leading apprentice organizations in Germany.
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