IGG Inc. announced that Mr. Yuan Xu has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 21 August 2015. Mr. Xu, aged 40, is currently the Group's chief operating officer. He also serves as the chief executive officer of IGG US.

The Board also announced that Mr. Hong Zhang has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 21 August 2015. Mr. Zhang, aged 43, is currently the Group's chief technology officer and senior vice president of global operations. He also serves as a director of Tap Media Technology Inc. and senior vice president of IGG US, both of which are subsidiaries of the Company.

Mr. Zhang has approximately 18 years of experience in the information technology industry. The Board also announced that Mr. Yuan Chi, an executive Director, has been re-designated as a non-executive Director with effect from 21 August 2015 due to his desire to step away from the day-to-day operation of the Company given his age. Mr. Chi, aged 58, was appointed as an executive Director of the Company on 16 August 2007.

Mr. Chi is one of the founders of the Group and he was primarily responsible for the game development of the Group.