Mobile Embrace Limited announced revenue results for the year to date through March 31, 2015. The company's year to date revenue through to 31 March 2015 has reached $22.5 million which is ahead of the company's prior forecast and up 60% on the PCP in the fiscal 2014.

Based on strong trading in both the M-Payments and M-Marketing businesses, the company expects full year revenue for the fiscal 2015 to now be $31.8 million ­ $1 million more than the previous forecast. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) for the fiscal 2015 is forecast to be greater than $4 million, up on the prior year (the fiscal 2014 EBITDA: $3.2 million). The growth in earnings is being driven by the contribution from the company's acquisitions and from organic growth in existing businesses. Mobile Embrace is also pleased to report an underlying EBITDA forecast of greater than $9 million for the fiscal 2015 which represents the group's earnings when taking out increased marketing expenditure and additional headcount required for overseas expansion. The underlying EBITDA illustrates that MBE is delivering very strong bottom line growth supporting its current strategy.