The board of directors of Nine Express Limited announced that Mr. Hui Wai Lee, Willy resigned as an executive Director and the chairman of the Board with effect from 12 August 2016 as he would like to devote more time on his other business and professional endeavours. Mr. Hui also resigned as an authorised representative of the Company in Hong Kong. Mr. Hui was appointed as an executive Director on 6 April 2009 and the chairman of the Board on 21 September 2015 respectively. Mr. Hui has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and he is not aware of any matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company. Mr. Wan Peizhong, was appointed as an executive Director and the chairman of the Board in place of Mr. Hui with effect from 12 August 2016. Mr. Wan was also appointed as an authorised representative of the Company in Hong Kong. Mr. Wan, has extensive experience in business administration and management in the People's Republic of China. Mr. Wan has entered into a service agreement with the company for an initial term of one year commencing from 12 August 2016 and the term shall continue thereafter until terminated by either party giving to the other not less than three months' prior written notice. Mr. Wan shall be subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at general meetings in accordance with the bye-laws of the Company.