The Board of Directors of Sievi Capital Plc has appointed Lauri Veijalainen as the company's new CEO as of 1 August 2023. The interim CEO of Sievi Capital, Ville Nikulainen, will continue in his position until 31 July 2023. Lauri Veijalainen (b. 1968), (B.Sc., MBA) has versatile experience from, among other things, executive positions in a publicly listed company.

He has held the position of the CEO of East Office of Finnish Industries Oy from 2019. During 2010–2019, Veijalainen acted as the Group CEO, CFO, and Group Development Director for International Operations of Stockmann plc. As of 1 August 2023, Veijalainen will also hold the position of CEO of Indoor Group, a target company of Sievi Capital, in addition to which he will participate in the Board work of Sievi Capital's target companies.