Lithium Plus Minerals Ltd. provided an exploration update on Phase 2 diamond drilling at Lei and the preliminary RC program at Perseverance. Phase 2 diamond hole (BYLDD003) for approximately 310m completed at the Lei Prospect intersected a thick downhole interval of 31m of pegmatite from 263.7 and a further 3.0m of pegmatite from 302.7m. The diamond hole was positioned to target 50m below BYLDD001 which intersected thick zones of spodumene mineralisation.

BYLDD003 extends the primary spodumene-bearing pegmatite body at Lei vertically to a depth of approximately 250m and is up to approximately 20-25m true thickness. The mineralised pegmatite remains open at depth. The Perseverance prospect comprises a large north-northwest trending outcrop of coherent weathered pegmatite occurrence with a number smaller parallel pegmatite bodies that have been mapped over 300m strike length and are open to the south under shallow soil cover.

Lithium Plus has completed an initial RC program at the prospect comprised of 8 RC holes (for 1,137m) to test beneath the outcropping pegmatite body. These holes, which are the first to be drilled into the Perseverance Prospect, have returned significant pegmatite intervals (both weathered and fresh) downhole suggesting an east-dipping (~60 degrees) series of stacked shallow pegmatite bodies from 1m to 20m thick. Spodumene mineralisation is associated with the fresh pegmatite intersections in hole BYPRC008 and BYPRC011 confirming a spodumene-type pegmatite system.

Residual spodumene is characteristically absent from the weathered zones. The third completed diamond hole is part of a 2,000m diamond drilling program at Lei currently in progress aimed at targeting further definition of the lithium bearing pegmatite. The drill program is anticipated to progress through November and into early December.

The RC drill rig has been relocated to the Jenny's Prospect for imminent commencement of a shallow eight (8) hole program.