Mainz Biomed N.V. announced a strategic partnership with TomaLab to launch the Company's product, ColoAlert®? in Italy. TomaLab is one of Italy's premier biotechnology laboratories and is based in Milan.

The partnership signifies a major step forward in enhancing colorectal cancer screening and diagnostics within the Italian healthcare system as it enables the implementation of ColoAlert®? into Italy's robust healthcare framework, providing patients with access to a cutting-edge diagnostic solution that combines convenience with clinical excellence. ColoAlert®?, a highly effective and user-friendly at-home detection test, offers a non-invasive, highly sensitive test for early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) and precancerous lesions.

By utilizing advanced DNA technology, ColoAlert®? detects cancerous and precancerous conditions with greater precision than traditional non-invasive screening methods, making it a pivotal tool in the fight against one of the most common and deadly cancers worldwide. The launch of ColoAlert®?

in Italy comes at a critical time, given the current landscape where colorectal cancer ranks as the second most common cancer in the country. Furthermore, there's a concerning trend of rising incidence rates among young adults. Early detection remains a key factor in improving survival rates, and with ColoAlert®?'s advanced diagnostic capabilities, more individuals will have timely access to life-saving screeningings.