MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd. announced that it has been granted approval for its proprietary product ArtemiC by the Food and Drug Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Saudi FDA). Following the success of Phase II clinical trials and European studies on its effectiveness in assisting with the recovery of patients from Covid and long-term Covid, ArtemiC?? has now been approved by the Saudi FDA as an over-the-counter (OTC) dietary supplement.

In addition, MGC Pharma appointed specialist consultancy Capital Blossom Ltd. in 2022 as its agent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar. Capital Blossom, through its joint venture collaboration with its Saudi partner have worked on obtaining the approval of the Saudi FDA. ArtemiC??

is a clinically tested product. Developed by MGC Pharma, it incorporates GraftBio®? SNEDD technology, which increases the bioavailability of ArtemiC??'s active ingredients.

In a Phase II double-blind, placebo-controlled Clinical Trial on 50 patients with COVID-19, ArtemiC?? demonstrated the following advantages: A full safety and efficacy profile with no drug-adverse events. The ability to prevent deterioration of COVID-19 patients and achieve faster clinical improvement.

The ability to reduce symptoms and pain associated with COVID-19.