MineHub Technologies Inc. announced the launch of its Business Confirmations Module, an innovative tool designed to transform the way sellers and buyers engage in contract negotiations. This software module allows seamless sharing of structured contract terms, paving the way for efficient agreements through an audited approval workflow to ensure compliance. In an industry where producers and sellers traditionally handle the contract process manually, MineHub is introducing a software-based solution that will standardize and streamline the terms negotiation workflow, offering a more comprehensive suite of tools.

Key features of MineHub's new Business Confirmations Module include: Streamlined Negotiations: Sellers can wrap up negotiations quickly and efficiently by simplifying the terms entry and communication process. Reduced Errors and Disputes: Trade terms are presented in a standardized manner and approvals are securely uploaded to the system, eliminating the risk of lost approvals or different contract versions in email inboxes. Improved Internal Compliance: The tool offers a scalable and collaborative solution for tracking approvals internally, addressing the administrative challenges faced by many customers who have previously invested significant time and resources in creating custom internal tools.

The Business Confirmations Module has already been rolled out to select customers and has undergone extensive testing on MineHub's network. It is now available for all MineHub customers and their respective customer bases.