Thursday 20th June 2013

Mr Elvis Onyura

ASX Compliance Pty Ltd

20 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000


Morning Star Gold NL (ASX: "MCO" or "the Company") requests the suspension of its securities from quotation as per ASX Listing Rule 17.2, pending the announcement of any material capital raising or subsequent company restructuring subject to investment in or divestment of assets.
Since MCO advised ASX that core financing of the Company's projects was unilaterally withdrawn, the board of MCO is continuing to attend to its obligations, including assessment of the Company's solvency, going concern and valuation of assets for financial statements and also monitoring the Company's liquidity risk. Presently the mining & exploration business is being maintained on a care basis with limited processing operations of existing stockpiles of ore and concentrates, enabling some trade creditors to be paid and caretaking to be funded.
The board is focused on refinancing the Company and implementing new business plans, which include exploration, development and gold production at its current tenements east of Melbourne. MCO is engaged in a range of investment discussions with financing intermediaries and other stakeholders and counterparties to this end. Discussions are strictly commercial in confidence and subject to confidentiality provisions presently.
The intention of MCO is to keep the market informed at all times and not prejudice any commercial matters through misinformation in the marketplace. Accordingly, the Company requests a voluntary suspension in the trading of its securities until the commencement of ASX trade on Friday 2nd August 2013 or at such time of any prior announcement of any material capital raising or financing transaction. The Company is not aware of any reason why the request for the extension of the voluntary suspension should not be granted or of any other information necessary to inform the market about the suspension as at today's date.
MCO will request its voluntary suspension be lifted for the benefit of all shareholders at the earliest juncture. The Board has prepared MCO's Annual 2012 Financial Statements for the Company's auditor and the 2013 Financial Statements and Annual Report are also under initial preparation. 2012 annual accounts will be released to the ASX immediately following the auditor's report and then MCO's Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be posted via ASX and to shareholders along with the Company's Annual Report. It is anticipated that the 2013 AGM will be held shortly after the current annual general meeting of shareholders.
Yours sincerely,

Nick Garling
On Behalf of the Board of Morning Star Gold NL

Morning Star Gold NL T +61 3 8379 2888 ABN 34 003 312 721 F +61 3 9329 8912

303/7 Jeffcott Street

West Melbourne, VIC 3003

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