Microsoft Word - role of directors.docx

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 680)
List of Directors and their Role and Function
The members of the board of directors ("the Board") of Nan Hai Corporation Limited are set out below:-
Executive Directors
Mr. YU Pun Hoi (Chairman)
Ms. CHEN Dan
Ms. LIU Rong
Non-executive Directors
Mr. WANG Gang
Mr. LAM Bing Kwan
Independent Non-executive Directors
Prof. JIANG Ping
Mr. HU Bin
Mr. LAU Yip Leung
The Board has established four board committees, namely Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. The membership information of these com- mittees on which the Board members serve are set out below:-
Executive Committee
Mr. YU Pun Hoi (Chairman)
Ms. CHEN Dan
Ms. LIU Rong
Mr. XUE Bo Ying# Mr. CHEN Ming Fei# Ms. YU Xin#
# Senior Management
Audit Committee
Mr. LAU Yip Leung (Chairman)
Prof. JIANG Ping
Mr. HU Bin
* For identification purpose only


Remuneration Committee Mr. HU Bin (Chairman) Prof. JIANG Ping
Mr. LAU Yip Leung
Nomination Committee
Mr. YU Pun Hoi (Chairman)
Ms. CHEN Dan Prof. JIANG Ping Mr. HU Bin
Mr. LAU Yip Leung
Hong Kong, 5 August 2015


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