Nextech3D.AI announced that it has established a new business unit to target the Jewelry Industry with 3D Models, Blockchain Technology, and NFTs. The initiative will be led by former META & Microsoft Executive Hareesh Achi, who is's current Head of Product Operations. This new business unit will focus on using the GPT AI CAD to 3D texturing platform of its spin-off Company, (OTCQB: TGGLF/CSE: TGGL).'s technology can convert jewelry CAD files into lightweight, web-friendly 4K 3D quad meshes, then uses AI to texture the jewelry in yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold. After this is complete, the AI photography studio creates stunning lifestyle images before it is published onto the web. intends to license this all-in-one GPT AI platform to global manufacturers, while will be conducting the sales and marketing for this new business unit.

The Company's strategic move to license its GPT AI tech is set to remove the traditional barriers of price and volume that have long restricted the accessibility of high-quality 3D modeling technology for e-commerce and other industries. has leveraged its GPT AI powered technology to dramatically slash the cost of 3D models from CAD files to $10 to $20 while producing the highest quality 4K quad mesh photo realistic models, enabling scalability while creating a new highly profitable business. GPT AI CAD- 3D modeling technology allows designers to create intricate and customizable jewelry designs that can be viewed and modified in real-time, offering personalization and efficiency in production.

This digital transformation not only streamlines the manufacturing process but also enables consumers to engage directly with the creation of their jewelry, enhancing the customer experience. Blockchain technology provides a secure and immutable ledger, ideal for certifying the authenticity and provenance of jewelry pieces. By recording the entire lifecycle of a jewelry item on the blockchain, from raw material sourcing through to the finished product, consumers can verify its authenticity and ethical sourcing, The NFTs represent a unique digital ownership certificate for an asset, stored on a blockchain.

In the jewelry industry, NFTs can be used to authenticate ownership of both physical and digital jewelry pieces, offering a new level of exclusivity and personalization. For digital jewelry, NFTs open up avenues for consumers to express themselves in virtual spaces, including social media and virtual reality platforms, where digital assets are becoming increasingly valuable. Application and Benefits:- Enhancing Customer Engagement and Loyalty:- The integration of 3D models, blockchain, and NFTs enables jewelry brands to offer personalized and immersive shopping experiences.

Customers can participate in the design process through 3D modeling, verify the authenticity and history of their purchases via blockchain, and gain exclusive ownership rights through NFTs. This level of engagement fosters a deeper connection between the brand and its customers, enhancing loyalty. Opening New Markets: Digital and Physical Jewelry:- The fusion of these technologies allows for the creation of both physical jewelry pieces and their digital counterparts.

NFTs enable the sale and trade of digital jewelry in virtual environments, appealing to Generation Z's increasing presence in these spaces. Additionally, NFTs linked to physical jewelry pieces can enhance the value and desirability of the tangible product. Addressing Counterfeiting and Promoting Sustainability:- Blockchain's record-keeping capability significantly reduces the risk of counterfeiting, ensuring that customers receive genuine products.

Furthermore, transparently tracking the sourcing and production process promotes ethical and sustainable practices in jewelry manufacturing, aligning with the values of Generation Z consumers. Challenges and Considerations:- While the potential benefits are significant, challenges such as technological complexity, privacy concerns, and the environmental impact of blockchain technology must be addressed. Education and awareness efforts are essential to facilitate adoption, while ongoing innovation and collaboration will be crucial to mitigate environmental concerns associated with blockchain technology.

The integration of 3D modeling, blockchain technology, and NFTs presents an opportunity for the jewelry industry, particularly in engaging with Generation Z consumers. By offering enhanced personalization, authenticity, and digital experiences, this technological synergy not only meets the unique demands of Generation Z but also sets a new standard for innovation in the luxury goods market. As the industry navigates this digital revolution, embracing these technologies can lead to sustainable growth and a deeper connection with the next generation of consumers.

3D modeling technology significantly enhances value in the jewelry industry through various avenues, particularly in terms of customization, visualization, and production efficiency. Here's a detailed exploration of how 3D models add value: 3D modeling allows for high levels of customization and personalization that were previously difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional jewelry design methods. Customers can be directly involved in the design process, selecting materials, shapes, and styles to create a piece that is uniquely theirs.

By offering personalized experiences, jewelry brands can significantly increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. With 3D models, customers can visualize jewelry pieces in exquisite detail before making a purchase, including viewing items from multiple angles and understanding intricate designs. This visualization capability is crucial for online shopping, where the inability to physically inspect products can be a barrier to purchase.

By providing a realistic representation of jewelry pieces, 3D modeling technology enhances consumer confidence, reducing hesitation and potentially increasing conversion rates. From a production standpoint, GTP AI-CAD 3D models streamline the manufacturing process, allowing for rapid prototyping and adjustments without the need for expensive and time-consuming physical samples. This efficiency not only reduces production costs but also accelerates the time-to-market for new designs.