20.RUG.2012 7:06 RSX PERTH

20 August 2012

ASX Compliance Pty Limited

LevelS Exchange Plaza

2 The Esplanade


N0.951 P.l/4


Attention: Email: Facsimile:

Jill Hewitt jill.hewitt@asx.com.au

08 92212020

By Email


1 referto your letter dated 17 August 2012 in relation to the recent change in price of the Company's securities and respond as follows in llne with the numbers of your letter.

l, ls the Company aware of any informatlon concerning it that has not been announced which,if known, could be an explanation for recent tradlng In the securlties ofthe Company?

Please note that as recent trading In the Company's securities could indicate that information has ceased to be confidential, the Company is unable to rely on the exception to listlng rule 3.1 contained in listing rule 3.1A when answering this question.

The Company is not aware of any information concerning lt,that has not been announced and whiçh,lf known, could be an explanation for recent trading in the securities ofthe company.

2. lf the answer to question l is yes, can an announcement be made immedlately? lf not, why not and when is it expected that an announcement will be made?

Please note,ifthe answerto question lls yes and an announcement cannot be made lmmediately; you need to contact us to discuss this and you needs to considera trading halt (see below),

Not applicable;

3. ls there any other explanation that the Company rnay have for the price and volume change in the securities ofthe Companv?

The Companv notes that its price had dropped approximately 22% over the 4 days preceding the 28% rise on Friday (17 August) an similar cumulative volume. Nkwe would advise that further to the 30 June quarterly report (released 31July) where the Companv reported that joint venture negotiations

were on going, Nkwe is now in the final stages of entering into an agreement


Grounq Fl ; 1: r 1 1 HEI'o'elock Stree

Woslf'erth WA 8005

1l,l trò!lilil


weat Pel'l!'l WA Gil!72


Te!: te1 (0)9 & es 5220

Fax: +61 (O)S SS24 2400



CiareMètì House

Chl.lh Streac

HDmlllon HM11

PO El ; xHIVIB66

Hamllton "'t.I!CX Bf;RMUOA


Barmud :A.e ;n Nur'l'lbl!lr a2.747

Web: wv.w.nKwe plotinum.oom

20.AUG.2012 7:06 ASX PERTH N0.951

with a strategie partner. As mentioned previously, a key objective of introducing a strategie partner is to effectively transltion the Company (both from a management and operational perspective) into a PGM developer and producer.

4. Please confirm that the Company is in compliance with the listing rules and, in particular,listing rule 3.1.

The Company confirms that it is in compliance with the ASX Listing Rule-s. Yours faithfully

Peter landau Executive Director For further information please contact:


Maredi Mphahlele

Managing Director

Te l: +27 11445 2162/3/7


Peter landau Executive Director Tel: +618 9488 5220


David Tasker

National Director, lnvestor Relations

Professional Public Relations

Tel: +618 9388 0944

Em: Pavid.Tasker@ppr.com.au

20.RUG.2012 7:06 RSX PERTH N0.951 P.3/4


17 August 2012
Mr Peter Landau
NKWE Platinum Lìmited
1 Havelock street


By Email: peter@okapventures.com

Dear Peter

NKWE Platlnum Limited (the "Company') PRICE ANO VOLUME QUERY

ASX Compliance Pty Limited

ABN 26 067 780 469

2 Tho Esp(anado

Perth WA 6000

GPO Box 0187

Perth WA 6640

Tolephono 61 (08) 9224 0003

Facsimile Sl (08) 9nl 020

lntornot l'rttp://www.asx"com.au

We have noted a change in the price of the Company's securlties from 7.3 cents an 14 August lo a high af 9.8 cents today. We have also noted an lncrease in the volume of lrading in the securities aver this period.
In lìght of the price and volume change, please respond lo each of the following questions.
1, ls the Campany aware of any information conceming ilthat hos noibeen announced which, if known, could be an explanation far recent lrading in the securities of the Company?
Please note that as recenl trading in the Company's securities could indicate thal information has ceased to be confideotiill, lhe Company is unable to rely on the exceptions to listing rule 3.1 contained in listing rule 3.1A when answering this question.
2. lf the answer to question 1 is yes, can an announcement be made immediately? Ilnot, why noiond when is it expected lhat an announcement will be made?
Please note, if the answer lo question 1 is yes and an announcement cannolbe made immediately. you need to contacius to dlscuss lhis and you need to considera trading halt (see below).
3. ls there any o!her explanation thal the Company may have for lhe price and volume change in the securities of the Company?
4. Please confirm that the CompanY is in compliance with the listing rules and, In particulor, listing rule


Your response should be sent to me by email to jill.hewltt@as;.com.au or by facsimile number on (08) 9221

2020. Ilshould not be sent to the Market Announcements Office.

Unless lhe information is requlred immediately under listing rule 3.1, a response is requested as soon as possible ond, in any event, noi later than 7:00 am (W.S.T) on Monday, 20 August 2012.

20.RUG.2012 7:07 RSX PERTH N0.951 P.4/4

Under listing rule 18.7A, a copy of this query and your response Will be released to the market, so your response should be in a suitable fonn and separately address each of the questions asked. Ilyou have any queries or concerns, please contacime immediately.

Listing rule 3.1

Listing rule 3,1 requires an entity to give ASX immediately any information conceming ilthat a reasonable person would expect to have a materia! effect on the prlce or value of the entity's securities. The exceptions to this requirement aresetout in listing rule 3.1A.
In responding to this letter you should consult lisling rule 3.1 and Guidance Note 8- Continuous Disclosure:
listing rule 3.1.
Ilthe lnformation requested by this letter is infonnatìon requìred to be given to ASX under listlng rule 3.1 your obligation is to disclose the information immediately.
Your responsibility under listing rule 3.1 is not confined to, or necessarily satisfied by, answering the questions set out in this letter.

Trading halt

lf you are unable to respond by the lime requested, or ilthe answer to question 1 is yes and an announcement cannot be made immedìately, you should considera request for a trading hallin the Company's securities. As set aut in listing rule 17.1 and Guidance Note 16- Trading Halts we may gran!a trading hallat your request.
We may require the request to be in writing. We are no!required to acl on your request. You must tell us each
of the following.
• The reasons far the trading hall.
• How long you want the trading hallto last.
• The event you expect ta happen that wlll end the trading hall.
• That you are not aware of any reason why the trading hall should no!be granted.
• Any other information necessary to inform the market about the trading hall, or that we ask far.
The trading hallcannot extend past the commencement of norma! trading on the second day alter the day on which it is granted. lf a trading hall is requested and granted and you are stili unable to reply to this letter before the commencement of trading, suspension from quotation would normally be imposed by us !rom the commencement oltrading ilnot previously requested by you. The same applies if you have requested a
trading hallbecause you are unable to release '1nformat1on to the market, and are stili unable to do so before the commencement of trading.

Ilyou have any queries regarding any of the above, please let me know. Yours sincerely
Jenny Cutri

A5sis!ant Manager. Listings (Perthl

Dìrect Line: (08) 9224 0003

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