OriginOil Inc. announced the launch of its Algae Division. OriginOil's Algae Division joins the Petro Division as its latest business unit. Because EWS has value in multiple industry sectors, the business unit model helps ensure that each receives the unique attention it deserves. Activities in an industry sector are incubated inside the company proper, and then launched as a business unit.

The company also appointed Mael Disa-Vingataramin as Algae Division President. Mael Disa-Vingataramin has direct experience in the algae industry, having served in Engineering and Business Development at A2BE Carbon Capture, LLC. Previously, Mael honed his analytical skills at Innodev. He then served in engineering and business development roles at A2BE Carbon Capture. More recently, Mael co-founded CarbonSync with a main focus on developing power plants using waste and biomass as feedstocks and conversion of wastewater streams into valuable products.