HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - The private bank Berenberg has upgraded Porsche AG from "Hold" to "Buy" and raised its target price from 101 to 109 euros. Although the reasons for the downgrade to "Hold" last September are still valid: more competition in the SUV segment, a difficult environment in China and pressure from start-up and advertising costs in the course of the introduction of new models, analyst Romain Gourvil wrote in a study published on Tuesday. At the current share price level, however, the transition year 2024 is already priced in. In principle, the luxury car segment is in a good position within the automotive industry./mis/gl

Publication of the original study: 25.03.2024 / 17:09 / GMT First dissemination of the original study: Date not specified in study / Time not specified in study / Time zone not specified in study


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