2022 S U S T A I N A B I L I T YR E P O R T


PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk

Sustainability Report | Laporan Keberlanjutan 2022



Independent Assurance Statement

Report No. 0423/BD/0030/JK

Interviews of relevant staff involved in





Following data trails to the initial aggregated

All key assurance findings are included herein, while detailed observations and follow-up recommendations have been submitted to LSIP management in a separate report.

To the Management of PT PP London Sumatra

Indonesia Tbk,

We were engaged by PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk ('LSIP') to provide assurance in respect to its Sustainability Report 2022 ('the Report'). The assurance engagement was conducted by a multidisciplinary team with relevant experience in sustainability reporting.


We carried out all assurance undertakings with independence and autonomy having not been involved in the preparation of any key part of the Report, nor did we provide any services to LSIP during 2022 that could conflict with the independence of the assurance engagement.

Assurance Standards

Our work was carried out in accordance with ISAE3000 'Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information' issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. This standard requires that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the assurance engagement to obtain limited assurance.

Level of Assurance

By designing our evidence-gathering procedures to obtain a limited level of assurance based on ISAE3000, readers of the report can be confident that all risks or errors have been reduced to a very low level, although not necessarily to zero.

Scope of Assurance

The scope of our work was restricted to the following selected information:

  • Water, effluent and waste
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Responsible sourcing and certification


LSIP is responsible for the preparation of the Report and all information and claims therein, which include established sustainability management targets, performance management, data collection, etc. In performing this engagement, meanwhile, our responsibility to the management of LSIP was solely for the purpose of verifying the statements it has made in relation to its sustainability performance, specifically as described in the selected information, and expressing our opinion on the conclusions reached.


In order to assess the veracity of certain assertions and specified data sets included within the report, as well as the systems and processes used to manage and report them, the following methods were employed during the engagement process:

  • Review of the report, internal policies,
    documentation, management and information systems

source, to check samples of data to a greater



Our scope of work was limited to a review of the accuracy and reliability of selected sustainability performance-related information. It was also not designed to detect all weaknesses in the internal controls over the preparation and presentation of the Report, as the engagement was not performed continuously throughout the period and the procedures performed were undertaken on a test basis.


Based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Report has not been properly prepared and presented, in all material respects.

Jakarta, April 21, 2023

James Kallman

Chief Executive Officer

Moores Rowland is an international organization specializing in auditing, accounting and outsourcing, tax, legal and advisory, business and human rights services in Indonesia. Moores Rowland is a member of Praxity AISBL, the world's largest Alliance of independent and unaffiliated audit and consultancy companies.

With more than 65,000 professionals operating in 120 countries across the globe, each sharing the same values and sense of responsibility, Praxity is served by Moores Rowland in Indonesia, one of the leading sustainability assurance providers.

PT. Moores Rowland Indonesia

PT. Moores Rowland Indonesia

Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 26 - Jakarta Selatan 12110 - Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 720 2605 - Fax: +62 21 720 2606 - www.moores-rowland.com

Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 26 - Jakarta Selatan 12110 - Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 720 2605 - Fax: +62 21 720 2606 - www.moores-rowland.com

PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk

Sustainability Report | Laporan Keberlanjutan 2022




President Director Statement 


Sambutan Presiden Direktur

2022 At A Glance 


Sekilas 2022

Our Approach To Sustainability 


Pendekatan Kami Terhadap


Business Overview 


Tinjauan Usaha

Protecting Our Environment 


Perlindungan Lingkungan

Responsible Sourcing 


Pasokan Yang Bertanggungjawab

Our People 


Sumber Daya Manusia

Community Relations 


Hubungan Masyarakat





PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LONSUM) is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with headquarters in Jakarta. LONSUM and its subsidiaries operate plantation and processing facilities to produce palm oil, rubber, cocoa and tea. The group also operates research & development, and seed breeding.

Our Vision is to be the leading 3C (Crops, Cost, Conditions) and research-driven sustainable agribusiness.

Our Mission to add value for stakeholders in agribusiness.

Our Values guide our work: with discipline as the basis of our way of life, we conduct our business with integrity, we treat our stakeholders with respect, and together we unite to strive for excellence and continuous innovation.


PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LONSUM) merupakan perusahaan yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan berkantor pusat di Jakarta. LONSUM beserta anak perusahaannya bergerak di bidang fasilitas perkebunan dan pengolahan minyak sawit, karet, kakao, dan teh. Kami beroperasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, pemuliaan benih bibit, pembudidayaan dan pengolahan kelapa sawit.

Visi kami adalah menjadi yang terdepan dalam 3C (Tanaman, Biaya, Kondisi) dan agribisnis berkelanjutan yang digerakkan oleh penelitian.

Misi kami untuk memberi nilai tambah bagi pemangku kepentingan di bidang agribisnis.

Nilai-nilai yang mendorong bagaimana kami bekerja kami: dengan disiplin sebagai dasar cara hidup kami, kami menjalankan bisnis kami dengan integritas, kami memperlakukan pemangku kepentingan kami dengan hormat, dan bersama-sama kami bersatu untuk mencapai keunggulan dan inovasi berkelanjutan.

PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk

Sustainability Report | Laporan Keberlanjutan 2022



Our Sustainable Agriculture Policy (Policy) is approved at Board level and guides all our sustainability programmes. It is available on our website and applies to all our operations, including our plasma smallholders and other third-party suppliers from whom we purchase for our factories. Key Policy commitments to deliver sustainably produced products are:

  1. No deforestation; conservation of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas
  2. No planting on peat regardless of depth
  3. No burning
  4. Respect for Labour and Human Rights, including Freedom of Association and non-discrimination
  5. Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)


Kebijakan Pertanian Berkelanjutan (Kebijakan) kami disetujui oleh setingkat direksi dan menjadi panduan bagi seluruh program keberlanjutan kami. Kebijakan ini tersedia di website berlaku bagi seluruh kegiatan usaha kami, termasuk para petani plasma dan pemasok pihak ke tiga darimana kami membeli bahan baku untuk pabrik kami. Komitmen utama dari Kebijakan untuk memproduksi produk yang berkelanjutan adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Larangan deforestasi, perlindungan Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT/HCV) dan area dengan Stok Karbon Tinggi (SKT)
  2. Larangan penanaman di area gambut dengan kedalaman berapapun
  3. Larangan pembakaran lahan
  4. Penghormatan atas Hak Asasi Manusia, termasuk kebebasan berserikat dan tanpa diskriminasi
  5. Pelaksanaan Persetujuan atas Dasar Informasi di Awal tanpa Paksaan

PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk

Sustainability Report | Laporan Keberlanjutan 2022



LONSUM is proud to present its 6th annual Sustainability Report for the calendar year 2022. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 Standards and also complies with requirements of the Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 51/POJK.03/2017.

We have chosen the GRI reporting standards and principles to ensure stakeholder inclusiveness, accuracy, clarity, reliability, and comparability of the information presented in this report.

This report communicates our performance and progress against our Policy commitments and targets on material topics for the calendar year 2022. This report should be read alongside our Annual Report and website. Relevant links are provided in the report. LONSUM has commissioned third-party assurance on this report.

We welcome your feedback or questions at sustainability@lonsumsumatra.com. The GRI Content Index and previous reports are available online.


LONSUM dengan bangga menyampaikan laporan keberlangsungan tahunan kami yang ke-6 untuk tahun 2022. Laporan ini terlah dipersiapkan sesuai dengan standar Global Reporting Index (GRI) 2021 sekaligus mematuhi persyaratan dari Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 51/ POJK.03/2017.

Kami telah memilih standar dan prinsip dari pelaporan GRI untuk memastikan laporan kami memiliki inklusivitas, ketepatan, kejelasan, keandalan, dan keterbandingan dari informasi yang disajikan pada laporan ini.

Laporan ini mengkomunikasikan performa dan progress kami terhadap komitmen kebijakan kami dan berfokus pada topik material untuk tahun 2022. Laporan ini harus dibaca dengan laporan tahunan dan website kami. Tautan yang relevan disediakan dalam laporan. LONSUM sudah mendapatkan jaminan pihak ketiga atas laporan ini.

Kami menerima feedback atau pertanyaan di sustainability@londonsumatra.com. Konten indeks GRI dan laporan yang terdahulu sudah tersedia secara daring.

Reporting Scope

The scope of this report covers our most dominant crop, oil palm, which occupies 82% of our total planted area, and our rubber operations, which occupy 14% of our total planted area. There is no significant changes to the size, structure or ownership of our company compared to the previous report.

Our financial, employee, community and health & safety data constitute the whole Group (all operations in the scope of this report). Our responsible sourcing, and product data include only our downstream palm oil operations.

Our environmental data includes the following sites in our palm oil and rubber operations:

Ruang Lingkup Pelaporan

Ruang lingkup laporan ini mencakup tanaman kami yang paling dominan, kelapa sawit, yang menempati 82% dari total area tanam kami, dan operasi karet kami, yang menempati 14% dari total area tanam kami. Tidak ada perubahan signifikan pada ukuran, struktur atau kepemilikan perusahaan kami dibandingkan dengan laporan sebelumnya.

Datafinansial,pekerja,masyarakatdankesehatan&keselamatankamidatamerupakankeseluruhan grup (semua operasi dalam ruang lingkup laporan ini). Data sumber yang bertanggungjawab, dan data produk hanya mencakup operasi fasilitas penyulingan hilir kami.

Data lingkungan kami mencakup lokasi-lokasi berikut dalam operasi kelapa sawit dan karet kami:





out of 38 sites

out of 12 sites

out of 3 sites

out of 6 sites

ISPO-certified/audited plantations

ISPO-certified/audited plantations

Rubber factories

Rubber plantations

30 dari 38 lokasi

9 dari 12 lokasi

3 dari 3 lokasi

6 dari 6 lokasi

Perkebunan bersertifikat /

Pabrik bersertifikat /

Pabrik karet

Perkebunan karet

diaudit ISPO

diaudit ISPO atau PROPER


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LONSUM - PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk published this content on 03 May 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 May 2023 02:40:11 UTC.