Q BioMed Inc. announced asset Uttroside B - is expected to receive a patent in the United States, adding to the already issued patents in Korea, Canada and Japan. In addition, recent results from pre-clinical pharmacokinetic testing have been very encouraging and the data supports advancing the program. Uttroside B shows tremendous value in the Liver Cancer Market.

Uttroside B has also received Orphan Drug designation from the FDA. In early pre-clinical investigation Q BioMed's Uttroside-B showed ten times the cytotoxicity against HCC, which is the toxicity caused due to the action of the chemotherapeutic agent on living cancer cells, as compared to the current standard of care drug at the time. Currently, there are only two approved first-line mono therapies and a combination first-line therapy for HCC.

Challenges with current treatments include patients becoming resistant to the specific drugs, adverse side effects, and high costs.