RecycLiCo Battery Materials Inc. announced that the Company has closed the loop on the lithium-ion battery supply chain with its patented recycling and upcycling process. Using the Company's battery-ready material, new battery cells were successfully assembled, and their performance was validated by C4V. C4V is an intellectual property company that creates next-generation storage materials with expertise in electrode design and process development to fast-track Gigafactory deployment across the globe.

C4V technology is foundational to North America's largest home-grown lithium-ion battery Gigafactory, iM3NY, in Endicott, New York and is the only Gigafactory across the globe with an ex-Asia supply chain. C4V completed a phase 1 qualification study, where RecycLiCo's NMC811 (nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide) precursor cathode material, made from recycled and upcycled lithium-ion battery waste, was converted into a proprietary cathode composition by C4V's supply chain partner, followed by cell production and performance evaluations by C4V. As reported by C4V, the electrochemical and technical data achieved the benchmark specifications and performance.

Test results also indicated that the specific capacity and stability of the battery cell are acceptable and that C4V approves the material as qualified. With the objective of using future recycled material for the Gigafactory qualification process, RecycLiCo has shipped the second, larger batch of precursor cathode material to begin phase 2 qualification testing, which includes production of multi-layer commercial size pouch and prismatic cells.