Sipp Industries, Inc. announced the launch of its first product of the year, Nano CBN Drops, addressing the growing cannabis sleep aid market. Sipp Industries has finalized its formula with the primary ingredient being high-grade nano emulsified CBN (cannabidiol). Similar to CBD, the benefits of CBN include anti-inflammatory, pain relief and enhanced sleep quality.

These drops will be in 100mg and 200mg dosages which can be added sublingually or in any choice of beverage. The CBN drops are completely water-soluble that contribute to the increasing bioavailability and effects. Approximately 30% to 48% of older adults suffer from insomnia.

The cumulative long-term effects of sleep disorders have been found to cause increased risks of depression, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Sipp Industries plans to market Nano Drops worldwide through both online sales and traditional distribution channels.