Somchai Thaisa-nguanvorakul agreed to acquire 99.99% stake in SAS Innovation Co., Ltd. from SNC Former Public Co. Ltd. (SET: SNC) for THB 15 million on January 28, 2011. Under the terms, Somchai Thaisa-nguanvorakul will acquire 0.14 million. For the year ended 2010, SAS Innovation Company Limited had total assets of THB 13.56 million, revenues of THB 0.21 million, and net profit of THB 0.16 million. The deal is subject to approval by shareholders of SNC Former Public Co. and has been approved from the Board of Directors of SNC Former Public Co. on January 28, 2011. The shareholder meeting of SNC Former Public will be held on April 1, 2011. As of April 1, 2011, the transaction was approved by the shareholders of SNC Former Public Co. Ltd. Somchai Thaisa-nguanvorakul cancelled the acquisition of 99.99% stake in SAS Innovation Co., Ltd. from SNC Former Public Co. Ltd. (SET: SNC) on January 28, 2012.