SRE Group Limited announced the earnings guidance for the period ended June 30, 2018. For the period, the company expected to record substantial decrease in both unaudited net profit and profit attributable to the shareholders as compared with the corresponding period of last year, among which, the unaudited net profit recorded in the reporting period is expected to be RMB 75 million to RMB 125 million. Such decrease is mainly attributable to the decrease in gains arising from the group's exit from investments as a result of the regulation and control of domestic macro-economy and property industry in China during the Reporting Period. Despite the decrease in unaudited net profit and profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company mentioned above, as the group accelerated the progress of the development and delivery of real estate during the reporting period, the group is expected to record increase in both unaudited revenue and gross profit from real estate development during the Reporting Period as compared with the corresponding period of last year.