Stevia Corp. recently entered into both Supply and Cooperative Agreements with Guangzhou Health China Technology Development Company Limited. Under the terms of the Supply Agreement, Stevia Corp. will sell dry stevia plant product exclusively to TechNew including all leaf and stem. Under the terms of the Cooperative Agreement with TechNew, the companies will explore potential technology partnerships with the intent to formalize a joint venture to pursue promising technologies and businesses. These include the inclusion of stevia extracts in its current product formulations for use in agriculture and aquaculture applications including fertilizers and feed. TechNew is a foreign-invested limited liability company incorporated in China in 2008 and currently more than 200 aquaculture farms use TechNew's products in six notable aquaculture regions. The TechNew brand includes ecological fertilizers that address soil acidification, compaction and fertility decline caused by chemical fertilizer overuse; foliar fertilizers that help plants resist infection and disease, feed formulations for livestock, fish and shrimp that enhance digestion and help strengthen immunity, microbiological preparations that address pollution in marine environments that negatively impact aquaculture activities and integrated systems to intelligently monitor and manage the health of aquaculture ponds.