Swiss Prime Site AG announced earnings results for the year 2018. For the period, the company reported operating profit was CHF 1.2 billion. The company announced a 2% increase in rental income and 1.7% increase of company's EBIT. Profits increased by almost 2% to CHF 311 million. LBIT was CHF 2.6 million. Total sales proceed was CHF 34 million.

The outlook 2019 is going to be clearly over CHF 50 million in Services. It's currently CHF 47.6 million in 2018. That was 10% of the EBIT. The company is expecting around CHF 50 million from Tertianum and Wincasa alone for 2019. The company is expecting EBIT of more than CHF 30 million from Tertianum.

The company announced that there are going to be 2 new openings. One in Liestal. The company also going to open new location at Zurich Airport, hopefully in the summer of 2020.

The company also announced that Klaus Wecken will not stand for re-election to the board of directors.