Howard Technology Solutions partnered with the University of Southern Mississippi's robotics team and Forrest General Hospital to create a new manual-action ventilator to assist local hospitals that are facing a shortage of the equipment due to a surge of COVID-19 patients, according to a press release. Using mainly materials already available in its other manufacturing processes, Howard Technology Solutions repurposed supplies to create a manual ventilator.

"This particular device contains parts that are very readily available, it is low cost, and can be mass produced very quickly… and it can be used as a backup option in case of a ventilator shortage," Mark Dyess, a regional sales manager at Howard Technology Solutions, said during a press conference.

The manual ventilator created by HTS is comparable to Lucas CPR machines. Being compact, the unit will assist in transporting patients, freeing up critically important medical personnel at this time.

"This partnership with Southern Miss, Hattiesburg Clinic physicians, Howard Industries and community volunteers makes our community unique and has prepared our community more for this than almost any other place in the country," said Dr. Joe Campbell, Forrest General chief anesthesiologist.

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Picture courtesy of Forrest General Hospital.

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