The board of Tesson Holdings Limited announced that with effect from 27 August 2015, Mr. Tin Kong has been appointed as an executive director of the company and chairman of the Board. Mr. Tin Kong was a section chief and assistant general manager of (translated as Guangxi Light Industry Supply and Marketing Corporation); a director assistant of (translated as Guangxi Si Zhuang Co. Ltd.); he was also a general manager of (translated as Hong Kong Wing Million Industries Ltd.).

He is currently being an Investment Manager of (translated as Shenzhen Rongzhou Cultural Industry Investment Co. Ltd.), with thirty years' experience in investment, trading and management. The board of the company also announced that with effect from 27 August 2015, Mr. Gou Min has resigned as a non-executive director; Mr. Liang Zhong has resigned as an independent non-executive director due to their other business engagements.

Mr. Gou Min and Mr. Liang Zhong have confirmed to the company that, in relation to his resignation, they have no disagreement with the Board; and there is no matter that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.