The board of Tian Cheng Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Zhao Zhangshan has been appointed as an executive director with effect from 2 February 2024. Mr. Zhao Zhangshan (Mr. Zhao), aged 46, graduated from the business administration seminar of the Business School of Renmin University of China in June 2015. Mr. Zhao established, and served as the legal representative and an executive director of, Shanghai Lifecode Bio-technology Co.

Ltd. in February 2013. Mr. Zhao established, and served as the legal representative and an executive director of, Shanghai Puti E-Commerce Co. Ltd. in January 2014.

Mr. Zhao established, and served as the legal representative, the chairman and the general manager of, Haoren Yuantai Group Co. Ltd. in August 2014. Mr. Zhao has served as a director of Haoren Juntai Holding Co.

Ltd. since November 2014. Mr. Zhao established, and served as the legal representative, an executive director and the general manager of, Xiamen Hangyu Book Trading Co. Ltd. in August 2017.

Mr. Zhao has served as the legal representative, the chairman and the general manager of Guizhou Libo Yilong Home Agroforestry Base Technology Co. Ltd. since December 2020. Mr. Zhao has served as the council member of Taian Taishan Charity Foundation since August 2014.

Mr. Zhao was appointed as a think tank expert of agricultural technology industry by the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences in November 2020.