Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics (Group) Corporation Limited announces that, Ms. Peng Bo and Mr. Zheng Yuying have resigned as non-executive directors and other related positions with effect upon the passing of the resolutions by the Board to appoint Mr. Zhang Yan and Mr. Zhou Zhiyuan as the new non-executive directors. Mr. Zhang Yan and Mr. Zhou Zhiyuan have been appointed as non-executive directors with effect upon the passing of relevant appointment resolutions at the Board meeting held on 15 September 2022, and they shall hold their offices only until the next annual general meeting and both shall then be eligible for re-election. Mr. He Yongjun, an independent non-executive director, has been appointed as a member of the audit committee, with effect upon 15 September 2022 until the expiry of the term of the then session of the Board and shall be eligible for re-election.

Mr. Zhang, aged 45, holds a doctorate in management and the title of senior economist. In 2000, he graduated from the School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, majoring in management science and engineering, with a bachelor's degree in management. In 2003, he graduated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in management science and engineering, with a master's degree in management; In 2010, he graduated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in management science and engineering, with a doctorate in management.

He worked for the head office of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and successively served as a staff member, deputy chief staff member, and chief staff member of the credit evaluation department, senior manager of the industry policy center of the credit management department, deputy director of the policy division and the system division of the credit and investment management department, and head of the preparatory team for inter-bank management of the credit and investment management department. Mr. Zhou, aged 34, a certified public accountant, graduated from Xiamen University with a bachelor's degree in management in 2008, majoring in accounting, and obtained a master's degree in business administration from Nankai University in 2015, majoring in business administration. He was employed by the Shenzhen branch of PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Xiamen branch of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, and was a member of the legal affairs and internal audit department and asset management department of Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding Co.

Ltd., deputy general manager of Tianjin TEDA Asset Operation Management Co. Ltd., secretary of the party branch of Tianjin Guotai Exhibition Co. Ltd. He is now the head of asset management department of Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding Co.

Ltd. as well as secretary of the second party branch of asset management department. Mr. He Yongjun, an independent non-executive director of the Company, has been appointed as a member of the audit committee, with effect upon 15 September 2022 until the expiry of the term of the then session of the Board and shall be eligible for re-election.