AXA Hong Kong and Macau and UMP Healthcare Holdings Limited jointly announced a strategic partnership to provide one-stop premium cross-border medical and healthcare services and experiences to customers. This marks AXA's maiden venture into expanding its general practitioner clinic services to mainland China, considerably strengthening the medical service support for customers in the Greater Bay Area. By leveraging UMP's extensive medical networks and administrative arrangements, AXA provides customers in the mainland with access to a broader range of medical treatment options and superior medical services With the accelerated development in the Greater Bay Area leading to more frequent cross-border travel, the demand for cross-border medical and healthcare services has grown significantly.

Responding to this, AXA and UMP have forged a strategic partnership that incorporates UMP's mainland China clinics into AXA's medical network. This expansion covers key cities in the Greater Bay Area, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, and Zhuhai, while also reaching out to a network of clinics in Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing, totaling around 20 service points. This partnership amplifies AXA's medical service network in the Greater Bay Area, and provides diverse medical support to customers in major mainland cities.

Eligible customers can enjoy a cashless service at designated mainland clinics. Moreover, customers can benefit from cross-border specialist referral services if further medical attention is required. Medical transportation services can be arranged for customers to return to Hong Kong for further treatment and follow-up care, including but not limited to oncology diagnosis and treatment, day surgeries and medical imaging examinations.

Under the partnership between AXA and UMP, eligible AXA customers are set to enjoy customer service in the mainland that parallels the superior standards customary in Hong Kong. Customers can conveniently access information about AXA's designated clinics in mainland China through Emma by AXA, a one-stop digital mobile application for AXA insurance and health wellness services. On the day of the appointment, customers simply present their medical card and identification document to clinic staff to enjoy the avail cashless medical services without having to make any cash payment.

If a customer is diagnosed with a condition requiring further medical intervention, the designated clinic in the mainland can issue a referral letter to specialist. Upon receiving such service requests, UMP will assist with scheduling an appointment to allow customers to promptly visit the pre-booked specialist clinic in Hong Kong upon their return from the mainland. This ensures they will receive professional advice and treatment in a timely manner.

If necessary, the customer will be arranged to visit a medical center for diagnostic image examination, including PET-CT, MRI, etc., to obtain a more accurate diagnosis. Additionally, customers can access UMP's day surgery centres, where a team of experienced specialist doctors can conduct day surgical procedures. In the event of a diagnosis requiring urgent medical attention, cross-border medical transportation services will be arranged for the customer to receive treatment or in-depth examinations at a designated specialist or private hospital within the Hong Kong medical network.

This approach ensures provide thorough care for cross-border customers, enhancing customers' healthcare experience. Furthermore, AXA has strategically incorporated UMP's oncology centers, offering a full suite of solutions for cancer patients. These include medical services from examination and diagnosis to treatments and rehabilitation.

The entire process will be overseen and handled by a specialist medical team in Hong Kong Looking ahead, AXA plans to continue expanding its medical network in mainland China, covering screenings, colonoscopy and gastroscopy. The goal is to provide customers with a more comprehensive and suitable range of exceptional cross-border healthcare services.