Universal Biosensors, Inc. announced that it has launched its Fructose biosensor test, which is the 4th test on the Sentia wine testing platform. At the same time UBI has relaunched its Glucose test, which is the partner test used with Fructose to measure Total Residual Sugar during the winemaking process. Glucose & Fructose are the main fermentable sugars found in wine. They are natural sugars produced in the vines and play a key role in the wine making process. The levels of Glucose & Fructose are important indicators of grape quality and represent the amount of sugar that is available to the yeast for conversion into ethanol. Glucose & Fructose are monitored at each stage of the wine making process with high glucose levels present during ripening and high fructose levels present in over ripe grapes. These sugars are more closely monitored during the fermentation process as yeast consumes these sugars and converts them into ethanol. The ability to monitor and measure both glucose and fructose concentrations in real time
at the barrel side will allow wine makers to more accurately determine an endpoint for fermentation.