Xior Student Housing NV (ENXTBR:XIOR) acquired Collblanc Student Housing SL on April 26, 2022. Raul Lopez Moro and Borja Millan-Astray of BDO Financial Advisory acted as financial advisors and BDO Auditores, S.L.P. provided financial due dilligence to Xior Student Housing NV (ENXTBR:XIOR). Julian Matos, David Miranda,with the lawyers Pilar Diaz, David Nava and Carlos Casacuberta acted as legal advisors to Xior Student Housing NV (ENXTBR:XIOR).

Xior Student Housing NV (ENXTBR:XIOR) completed the acquisition of Collblanc Student Housing SL on April 26, 2022.