Yancoal Australia Ltd. at its annual general meeting held on 30 May 2022, the Board announced that Mr. Cunliang Lai retired as a non-executive Director of the Company immediately after the conclusion of the AGM. The Board announces that Mr. Yaomeng Xiao was elected as a new Director of the Company at the AGM and has been appointed as a non-executive Director. Yaomeng Xiao, aged 50, joined the Company's majority shareholder, Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited's predecessor in 1994.

Mr. Xiao was appointed as the director of the Safety Inspection Department of Dongtan Coal Mine of the Yankuang Energy in 2013, and the chairman and the general manager of Guizhou Wulunshan Coal Mining Company Limited in 2014. In 2016, he was appointed as the deputy general manager of Yankuang Guizhou Neng Hua Company Limited. In July 2018, he was appointed as the manager of Jining No.

3 Coal Mine of Yankuang Energy. In April 2020, he was appointed as the deputy general manager of Yankuang Energy. In July 2021, he was appointed as general manager of Yankuang Energy and was appointed as the director of Yankuang Energy in August 2021.

Mr. Xiao graduated from China University of Mining and Technology. He is a research fellow in applied engineering technology with a master's degree of engineering. Mr. Xiao has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company for an unlimited term commencing on 30 May 2022, subject to any provisions of the letter of appointment and the Company's Constitution.

Mr. Xiao will not receive any director's fee or remuneration package as a non-executive Director. Mr. Xiao serves as a director of Yankuang Energy, the majority shareholder of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Yankuang Energy is interested in approximately 62.26% of the shares in the Company.

Save as disclosed above, Mr. Xiao does not have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management or substantial shareholder or controlling shareholder of the Company.