Zentek Ltd. announced the successful results of a recent study conducted by ParticleOne, an RWDI Ventures company. The study evaluated the performance of Zentek's ZenGUARD?-enhanced filter technology in comparison to a standard Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value ("MERV") 9 filter. The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of filters in removing infectious particles from the air and to determine the potential return on investment ("ROI") of enhanced viral filtration from using ZenGUARD?

technology. The ParticleOne model ROI analysis indicated that opting for the ZenGUARD?-enhanced MERV 9 filter for enhanced viral filtration resulted in a substantial reduction in annual absenteeism costs ($15,016.95) compared to a regular MERV 9 filter in an office space of 10,000 square feet with 75 occupants. ParticleOne Study Background: The study was performed using ParticleOne's multi-pathogen predictive risk assessment software that assesses a space's risk of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B, Rhinovirus, and RSV, the most prominent respiratory agents that disrupt the workforce and cause absenteeism The model is a combination of Wells-Riley Transmission methods adapted to calculate infectious disease probabilities under dynamic, ventilated conditions and a network of well-mixed ventilated zones, using a continuously stirred tank model adjusted to allow flow between breathing and overhead zones and associated air change and dilution effects The software utilizes a filter's estimated efficiency of physical removal or filtration of the most penetrating particle size falling within the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ("ASHRAE"), 52.2 Standard's E1 range (0.1 -1.0µm) The model uses inputs fundamental to measuring virus resiliency, including: Building Performance - characteristics of size and volume of air in the space, ventilation and filtration Occupant Dynamics - number of people, activity levels, duration of occupancy, masking and distancing Case Count Settings - applied epidemiological factors including, transmissibility of each pathogen, typical infectious disease prevalence (i.e., Background Infection Rate), and vaccination The space prototype used for the study was a typical open office layout based on ParticleOne and RWDI benchmarks: Office space of 10,000 square feet; 10-foot ceiling height 75 occupants 3 air changes per hour Outdoor air percentage of 33% ParticleOne results then outline transmission risk probabilities by applying a Risk Index.

This directly correlates to probabilities and frequency of infection in each specific space and to reducing yearly absenteeism rates The study leveraged testing results from LMS Technologies and the National Research Council of Canada ("NRC") ParticleOne determined the ZenGUARD?-enhanced viral filtration efficiency to be equivalent to the physical filtration efficiency as used within the software to represent the "removal" of harmful pathogenic particles. Absenteeism costs included in the model were based on the following ParticleOne and RWDI benchmarks: Of the projected days absent due to respiratory illness, only 65% of workers stay home to rest The residual 35% of ill workers remain in office, where they are 70% as productive as they would be when healthy Average annual employer cost of $99,750 per employee ($75,000 employee salary + 30% estimate for other employee benefits and costs).