

€׵ʕശɛ͏΍ձ਷ൗ̅ϓٰͭٙ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡dԨ˸˜ZA Online Fintech P & C™ί࠰ಥ຾ᐄุਕ

(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability and carrying on business in Hong Kong as "ZA Online Fintech P & C")


(Stock Code: 6060)

March 29, 2021

Dear H Share Non-registered Holders(Note 1)

Notification of publication of the Company's 2020 Annual Report, Circular, Notice of the Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form (the "Current Corporate Communications")

We hereby notify you that the Current Corporate Communications of ZhongAn Online P & C Insurance Co., Ltd. (the "Company") are now available on the Company's website atwww.zhongan.comand the HKEXnews website at www.hkexnews.hk.

If you wish to receive a printed copy of the Current Corporate Communications, you can complete the Request Form on the reverse side and return it to the Company's H Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, by post using the mailing label provided. The printed copy of the Current Corporate Communications will be sent to you free of charge upon receipt of your request.

Please note that by completing and returning the Request Form to request for the printed copy of the Current Corporate Communications, you will expressly indicate that you prefer to receive all future corporate communications(Note 2) of the Company in printed form with selected language version(s). The Request Form can be downloaded from the Company's website and the HKEXnews website. Furthermore, notwithstanding any choice to the contrary conveyed to us, if you would at any time like to change the choice of language (English, Chinese or both) or means of receipt (website or printed form) of all future corporate communications, please write to the Company (c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited by post (address: Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong)) with details of your request.

Should you have any queries relating to this notification, please contact Customer Service Hotline of Tricor Investor Services Limited at (852) 2980 1333 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Yours faithfully

For and on behalf of


Yaping Ou


Note 1: This letter is addressed to Non-registered holders of the Company ("Non-registered holder" means such person or company whose shares are held in

The Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited to receive corporate communications). If you have sold or transferred your shares in the Company, please disregard this letter on the reverse side.

Note 2: Corporate communications refer to any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of its shareholders, including but not limited to (a) the directors' reports and its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors' report (and, where applicable, its summary financial report); (b) the interim report (and, where applicable, its summary interim report); (c) notice of meetings; (d) listing documents; (e) circulars; and (f) proxy forms.

*For identification purposes only and carrying on business in Hong Kong as "ZA Online Fintech P & C"

ߧ H ٰڢ೮াܵϞɛ

€ڝൗ 1

͉ʮ̡ 2020 ϋϋܓజѓeஷՌeϋܓٰ؇ɽึஷѓʿ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸ€˜͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ™ʘ೯бஷٝ

͉ʮ̡ତᔫஷٝ ტɨd଺τί㝬ৌପڭᎈٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡€˜ ͉ʮ̡™͉ٙϣʮ̡ஷৃତʊ೮༱׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१www.zhongan.com ʿ˜מᚣ׸™ၣ१ www.hkexnews.hkf

ࡊ ტɨᏝϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉dሗ෬Ѽߠࠦʘ͡ሗڌࣸʿл͜ඉ੔ᅺᜀ੔Ϋ͉ʮ̡ʘ H ٰٰ΅ཀ˒೮াஈՙԳᗇՎ ೮াϞࠢʮ̡f͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃΙՏ͉ਗ਼ܲ ტɨࠅӋе൬೯৔ʚ ტɨf

ሗءจd຅ ტɨ෬ᄳʿ੔Ϋ͡ሗڌࣸ˸॰՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉ܝdуڌͪ ტɨᆽႩᏝϗ՟͉ʮ̡˚ܝ̊೯ٙהϞʮ ̡ஷৃ ٙΙՏ͉ʿה፯኿ʘႧԊو͉f͡ሗڌ̙ࣸ׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१ʿ˜מᚣ׸™ၣ१ɨ༱fϤ̮dೌሞ ტɨ΋ۃஷ͉ٝʮ ̡Չ፯኿މОdν ტɨ׵΂Оࣛග૧һҷהϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃ˖΁ٙႧԊو͉€ʕ˖eߵ˖אʕߵ˖אϗ՟˙ό€ၣ१אΙՏ و͉dሗ೯৔ࣣࠦࠅӋЇ͉ʮ̡€຾ՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡€ήѧj࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 54 ᅽdΐ׼ ტɨٙࠅ Ӌ༉ઋf

€ڝൗ 2

ࡊ ტɨ࿁͉ஷٝϞ΂Оݟ༔dሗ׵݋ಂɓЇ݋ಂʞ€ʮ଺৿ಂৰ̮ɪʹ 9 ࣛЇɨʹ 5 ࣛߧཥՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡܄˒؂ਕ ᆠ㝬dཥ༑໮ᇁމ (852) 2980 1333f

˾ڌ ଺τί㝬ৌପڭᎈٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡ ໨ԫڗ ᆄԭ̻

2021 ϋ 3 ˜ 29 ˚

ڝൗ 1: ϤՌ΁ɗΣ͉ʮ̡ʘڢ೮াܵϞɛ€˜ڢ೮াܵϞɛ™ٰܸ΅π׳׵ʕ̯ഐၑʿʹϗӻ୕ٙɛɻאʮ̡dԨீཀ࠰ಥʕ̯ഐၑϞࠢʮ̡ʔ

ࣛΣ͉ʮ̡೯̈ஷٝdҎૐϗՑʮ̡ஷৃ˖΁Ͼ೯̈fν؈ ტɨʊ̈ਯאᔷᜫהܵϞ͉ٙʮٰ̡΅dۆೌცࠅଣึՌ΁ʿՉߠࠦٙ ͡ሗڌࣸf

ڝൗ 2: ʮ̡ஷৃܸ͉͟ʮ̡೯̈אਗ਼ʚ೯̈˸Զ ტɨਞ๫אમ՟Бਗٙ΂О˖΁dՉʕܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵ (a) ໨ԫึజѓeϋܓሪͦஹΝࣨᅰࢪ జѓʿ€νቇ͜ৌਕ࿜ࠅజѓi(b) ʕಂజѓʿ€νቇ͜ʕಂ࿜ࠅజѓi(c) ึᙄஷѓi(d) ɪ̹˖΁i(e) ஷՌiʿ (f) ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸf


සԶᗆйʿ˸˜ZA Online Fintech P & C™Τ່ί࠰ಥ຾ᐄุਕ



ZhongAn Online P & C Insurance Co., Ltd.* (the "Company")

ߧj ଺τί㝬ৌପڭᎈٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™

c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited


Level 54, Hopewell Centre

࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183

183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

Υձʕː 54

I/We would like to receive the printed copy of the 2020 Annual Report, Circular, Notice of the Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form and all future corporate communications(Note 1) of the Company(Note 2).

͉ɛŊшഃᏝϗ՟ ൮ʮ̡ 2020 ϋϋܓజѓeஷՌeϋܓٰ؇ɽึஷѓʿ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸʿ˚ܝ̊೯ٙהϞʮ̡ஷৃ ٙ

€ڝൗ 1


€ڝൗ 2f

(Please mark "X" in ONLY ONE box)


English printed copy of the corporate communications ʮ̡ஷৃٙߵ˖ΙՏ͉

Chinese printed copy of the corporate communications ʮ̡ஷৃٙʕ˖ΙՏ͉

Both English and Chinese printed copies of the corporate communications ʮ̡ஷৃٙߵ˖ʿʕ˖ΙՏ͉΢ɓ΅

Signature: ᖦ໇j

Date: ˚ಂj



(English) ߵ˖

(Chinese) ʕ˖

(Please use English Block letter)


Contact Phone Number: ᑌഖཥ༑໮ᇁj

Notes: ڝൗj

  • 1. Corporate communications refer to any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of its shareholders, including but not limited to (a) the directors' reports and its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors' report (and, where applicable, its summary financial report); (b) the interim report (and, where applicable, its summary interim report); (c) notice of meetings; (d) listing documents; (e) circulars; and (f) proxy forms.

    ʮ̡ஷৃܸ͉͟ʮ̡೯̈אਗ਼ʚ೯̈˸Զ ტɨਞ๫אમ՟Бਗٙ΂О˖΁dՉʕܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵ (a) ໨ԫึజѓeϋܓሪͦஹΝࣨ ᅰࢪజѓʿ€νቇ͜ৌਕ࿜ࠅజѓi(b) ʕಂజѓʿ€νቇ͜ʕಂ࿜ࠅజѓi(c) ึᙄஷѓi(d) ɪ̹˖΁i(e) ஷՌiʿ (f) ˾ڌ։΂ڌ ࣸf

  • 2. By completing and returning this Request Form to request for the printed copy of the corporate communications, you have expressly indicated that you prefer to receive all future corporate communications of the Company in printed form with selected language version(s).

    ຅ ტɨ෬ᄳʿ੔Ϋ͡ሗڌࣸ˸॰՟ʮ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉ܝdуڌͪ ტɨᆽႩᏝϗ՟͉ʮ̡˚ܝ̊೯ٙהϞʮ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉ʿה ፯኿ʘႧԊو͉f

  • * For identification purposes only and carrying on business in Hong Kong as "ZA Online Fintech P & C"

  • * සԶᗆйʿ˸˜ZA Online Fintech P & C™Τ່ί࠰ಥ຾ᐄุਕ

Please cut along the dotted line ሗضൈᇞ਒ɨ

Please cut the mailing label and stick this on an envelope to return the Request Form to us.

Mailing Label ඉ੔ᅺᜀ

No postage stamp is required for local mailing ຅ ტɨ੔ΫϤ͡ሗڌࣸࣛdሗਗ਼Ϥඉ੔ᅺᜀ਒൨׵ڦ܆ɪf νί͉ಥҳ੔d ტɨೌც˕˹ඉ൬א൨ɪඉୃ

Tricor Investor Services Limited ՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡

Freepost No. ᔊکΫඉ໮ᇁj37

Hong Kong ࠰ಥ


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ZhongAn Online P & C Insurance Co. Ltd. published this content on 26 March 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 March 2021 11:10:09 UTC.