The seventh meeting of representatives of labour union of Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. (the “Company”) was convened at the conference room at 3/F., Zijin Headquarters, Shanghang County on 26 December 2019. In the meeting, Mr. Cao Sanxing was elected as supervisor representing workers and staff of the seventh term of the supervisory committee of the Company (the “Supervisory Committee”), and will form the seventh term of the Supervisory Committee with the other 3 supervisors to be elected at the second extraordinary general meeting in 2019 of the Company to be convened on 30 December 2019. The terms of service will be the same as that of the seventh term of the Supervisory Committee. Mr. Cao Sanxing joined the Company in May 2001, and has served as the inspector of supervisory and audit office of Fujian Zijin Mining Industry Company Limited, deputy chief of supervisory department of mine office of the Zijinshan gold and copper mine, director of supervisory and audit office and the chairman of supervisory committee of Bayannaoer Zijin Non-ferrous Metals Company Limited, chairman of supervisory committee and director of supervisory and audit office (concurrent) of Zijin Mining Group Northwest Company Limited, and general manager of Qinghai West Copper Company Limited. He has been serving as the general manager of Xinjiang Zijin Zinc Industry Company Limited since February 2016.