(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


(Stock Code ٰ΅˾໮: 316)



30th August 2018

Dear Shareholder,

Orient Overseas (International) Limited (the "Company")

- 2018 Interim Report of the Company (the "Current Corporate Communication")

The bilingual version (English and Chinese) of the Current Corporate Communication is available (i) under Financials (Interim & Annual Reports) section of the Company's website (www.ooilgroup.com); and (ii) on the HKEXnews website (www.hkexnews.hk).

Shareholders who have elected to access the Current Corporate Communication posted on the Company's website using electronic means in lieu of receiving printed copies and would now like to receive a printed copy of the Current Corporate Communication, please complete the Request Form on the reverse side and return it by post (using the mailing label in the Request Form) to the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (the "Branch Share Registrar"), at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong; or by email toooil@computershare.com.hk.

You are entitled at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Branch Share Registrar or by email toooil@computershare.com.hkto change your choice of language or means of receiving the Company's Corporate Communication#. If you have elected to access the Company's Corporate Communication using electronic means but for any reason have any difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the relevant Corporate Communication, the Branch Share Registrar will promptly upon your request send the printed form of the same to you free of charge.

Should you have any query relating to any of the above matters, please call our Branch Share Registrar's enquiry hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays), or send an email toooil@computershare.com.hk.

Yours faithfully,

Orient Overseas (International) Limited


*Corporate Communication includes but not limited to annual reports, interim reports, notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and proxy forms. For identification purpose only


؇˙ऎ̮€਷ყϞࠢʮ̡* €˜͉ʮ̡™

Ñ ͉ʮ̡2018 ϋʕಂజѓ€˜͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ™

͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘᕐႧو͉€ߵ˖ʿʕ˖ʊɪ༱׵(i)͉ʮ̡ၣ१(www.ooilgroup.com)˜ʮѓ€ʕಂజѓŊϋజ™ɓᙷi ʿ (ii)࠰ಥʹ׸המᚣ׸ၣ१(www.hkexnews.hk)f

ٰ؇νʊ፯኿˸ཥɿ˙όቡᚎ೮༱ί͉ʮ̡ၣ१͉ٙϣʮ̡ஷৃ˾ಁϗ՟ΙՏ͉dϾତ૧ϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘΙՏ͉d ሗ෬Ѽ͉Ռߠࠦٙ͡ሗڌࣸdԨԴ͜͡ሗڌࣸʫٙඉ੔ᅺᜀ੔Ϋ͉ʮ̡ʘ࠰ಥٰ΅೮াʱஈ࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ ̡€˜ٰ΅೮াʱஈ™dήѧމ࠰ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇ɓɞɧ໮ΥձʕːɤɖMᅽiאཥඉЇooil@computershare.com.hkf ტɨϞᛆᎇࣛΣٰ΅೮াʱஈ೯̈ΥଣࣣࠦஷٝאீཀཥඉЇooil@computershare.com.hkஷٝһҷ ტɨה፯኿ϗ՟ ͉ʮ̡ٙʮ̡ஷৃ# ʘႧԊو͉אϗ՟˙όfࡊ ტɨʊ፯኿˸ཥɿ˙όቡᚎ͉ʮ̡ٙʮ̡ஷৃdೌሞΪ΂Оଣ͟˸ ߧίϗ՟אቡᚎϞᗫʮ̡ஷৃࣛ༾Ց΂ОѢᗭdٰ΅೮াʱஈਗ਼׵ટՑ ტ ɨ ஷ ٝ ܝdኋ Ҟ Σ ტɨе൬೯৔༈ഃʮ ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉f ν࿁͉Ռʫ࢙Ϟ΂Оဲਪdሗ׵፬ʮࣛගʫ€݋ಂɓЇʞɪʹɘࣛЇɨʹʬࣛd࠰ಥʮ଺৿ಂৰ̮ߧཥҢࡁٰٙ΅ ೮াʱஈݟ༔ᆠᇞ(852) 2862 8688אཥඉЇooil@computershare.com.hkf

؇˙ऎ̮€਷ყϞࠢʮ̡ ᔫ઼ ɚཧɓɞϋɞ˜ɧɤ˚



ʮ̡ஷৃܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵ϋజeʕಂజѓeึᙄஷѓeɪ̹˖΁eஷՌʿ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸf සԶᗆй



English Name(s) and Address of Shareholder(s):






To:Orient Overseas (International) Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 316)


c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

؇˙ऎ̮€਷ყϞࠢʮ̡* €˜͉ʮ̡™ €ٰ΅˾໮j 316 ຾࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ ࠰ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇ɓɞɧ໮ Υձʕːɤɖ M

2018 Interim Report of the Company (the "Current Corporate Communication")

͉ʮ̡2018 ϋʕಂజѓ€˜͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ™

You do NOT need to complete this form if you have received the Current Corporate Communication in the means of receipt you want.

ࡊ ტɨϗՑ͉ٙϣʮ̡ஷৃהમٙ͜ϗ՟˙όୌΥ ტɨٙจᗴdۆˡ඲෬ᄳ͉ڌࣸf

I/We would like to receive a printed copy of the bilingual version (English and Chinese) of the Current Corporate Communication.

͉ɛ Ŋ ҢࡁତҎૐϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘᕐႧΙՏ͉€ߵ˖ʿʕ˖f

Name(s) of Shareholder(s)





Contact telephone number




(Please use ENGLISH CAPITAL LETTERS ሗ͜ߵ˖ฺ͍෬ᄳ





If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this Request Form in

order to be valid.



This Request Form will be void if it is not signed or completed incorrectly.



Please note that printed copies (English/Chinese version) of all the Company's Corporate Communication# sent to our shareholders in the past twelve months are available on request. Those are

also available on the Company's website (www.ooilgroup.com) for five years from the date of first publication.

ሗءจd͉ʮٰ̡؇̙Σ͉ʮ̡॰՟ཀ̘ 12ࡈ˜ಀ੔೯ʚ͉ʮٰ̡؇ٙהϞ͉ʮ̡ٙʮ̡ஷৃ# ٙΙՏ͉€ߵ˖ Ŋ ʕ˖و͉f༈ഃʮ̡ஷৃ͵͟࠯ϣ̊༱˚ಂৎࠇ5ϋʫ༱׵͉ʮ

̡ၣ१ (www.ooilgroup.com)f


Corporate Communication includes but not limited to annual reports, interim reports, notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and proxy forms.



For identification purpose only



"Personal Data" in this statement has the same meaning as "personal data" in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 ("PDPO"), which includes your name, mailing address and contact telephone number.

͉ᑊ׼הܸٙ˜ࡈɛ༟ࣘ™ՈϞࡈɛ༟ࣘ€ӷᒯૢԷ'€ୋ486 ௝€˜ӷᒯૢԷ™ረʚ˜ࡈɛ༟ࣘ™ʘ޴ΝՌ່d຅ʕܼ̍ ტɨ֑ٙΤeඉ੔ήѧʿᑌഖཥ༑໮ᇁf

Your Personal Data provided in this form will be used in connection with processing your request for obtaining printed copy of the relevant Corporate Communication(s). Your supply of Personal Data is on a voluntary basis. However, we may not be able to process your request unless you provide us with your Personal Data.

ტɨ׵͉ڌࣸה౤Զٙࡈɛ༟ࣘਗ਼͜˸ஈଣ ტɨࠅӋ॰՟޴ᗫʮ̡ஷৃΙՏ͉ʘܸͪf ტ ɨ ɗ ਿ ׵ І ᗴ ׌ ሯ ౤ Զ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘdઓ ࡊ ტ ɨ Ԩ ೌ ౤ Զ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘd͉ ʮ ̡ ̙ ঐ ೌ ج ஈ ଣ ტ ɨܸٙͪf

Your Personal Data will be disclosed or transferred to the Company's Branch Share Registrar and/or other companies or bodies for the purpose stated above, or when it is required to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order or a law enforcement agency's request, and will be retained for such period as may be necessary for our verification and record purpose.

͉ʮ̡̙ఱɪࠑ͜௄ਗ਼ ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘמᚣאᔷ୅ഗ͉ʮٰ̡ٙ΅೮াʱஈʿ Ŋ אՉ˼ʮ̡אྠ᜗dאܲجԷ஝֛€ԷνᏐجࢬն˿אੂجዚᗫٙࠅӋЪ̈מᚣאᔷ୅dԨਗ਼ίቇ ຅ಂගʫڭव༈ഃࡈɛ༟ࣘЪࣨྼʿা፽͜௄f

30082018 1 0

Your personal data shall also be processed in accordance with the Company's Privacy Statement for Shareholders which is available under Corporate (Shareholder Information) of the Company's website (www.ooilgroup.com).

ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘึܲ๫͉ʮٰ̡؇ӷᒯᑊ׼ஈଣfٰ؇ӷᒯᑊ׼ɪ༱׵ɪ͉ʮ̡ၣ१€www.ooilgroup.com ˜CorporateShareholder Information ™ɓ ᙷf

You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data respectively in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be in writing by either of the following means: ტɨϞᛆ࣬ኽӷᒯૢԷʱйݟቡʿ Ŋ אһ͍ ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘf΂Оݟቡʿ Ŋ אһ͍ ტɨࡈɛ༟ࣘٙࠅӋdѩ඲ீཀ˸ɨՉʕɓධ௄ࢰ˸ࣣࠦ˙ό౤̈j

By mail to:Personal Data Privacy Officer

By email to:

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Konghkinfo@computershare.com.hk

ඉ੔: ࠰ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇ɓɞɧ໮Υձʕːɤɖ Mᅽ ࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ ࡈɛ༟ࣘӷᒯ˴΂





Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

ᔊکΫඉ໮ᇁFreepost No. 37

To return this Request Form to us,

please cut the mailing label and stick this on the envelope.

࠰ಥHong Kong

No postage stamp is necessary if posted in Hong Kong.




OOIL - Orient Overseas (International) Limited published this content on 30 August 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 29 August 2018 09:31:05 UTC