The Institute for Advanced Composite Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) is seeking undergraduate and graduate students interested in participating in a 10-week program at one of IACMI’s partner sites during the summer of 2016.

IACMI-The Composites Institute, which accelerates the adoption of advanced composites to create energy savings and new manufacturing jobs, has an interest in developing the skills of strong technical undergraduates who might one day support the workforce in both talent and leadership. Interested applicants have the opportunity to apply for internships specializing in various composite and materials research at the following five ICAMI partner locations:

  • Composite Materials for Compressed Gas Storage, Dayton, Ohio
  • Design, Modeling and Simulation, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Composite Materials and Process, Knoxville, Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee and Lexington, Kentucky
  • Composite Materials for Wind Turbines, Golden, Colorado
  • Composite Materials for Vehicles, Detroit, Michigan

In addition to being involved in a variety of IACMI partner activities, during the course of their internship, participants will have the opportunity to use state-of-the-art equipment and interact with scientists and engineers who are at the top of their fields. Engaging in hands-on learning that is more project-based than traditional academic coursework is a critical way to learn and refine skills. Specific project details may adapt with research needs and may involve other IACMI members.

To be eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen and student in good standing at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 or the equivalent as verified by updated transcripts. All applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of appointment and provide proof of health insurance coverage. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase health insurance coverage through ORAU.

Program participants will receive a weekly stipend, weekly housing allowance and limited in- and out-bound travel to and from the internship site.

Applications and supporting materials must be submitted online by March 15, 2016.

For more information visit or email Dr. Nicie Murphy at