WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Jan. 24, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- February is National Pet Dental Health Month, and the staff at Forsyth Veterinary Hospital is taking the opportunity to remind pet owners about the importance of regular dental care. Dental disease can be hard to spot, as its initial symptoms are often undetectable. This makes the importance of regular examinations crucial to ongoing pet dental health.

Statistics show that an alarming 80 percent of cats and dogs over the age of two years tend to have dental issues of some kind. Fortunate pets get preventive care before these issues become more serious and manifest as dental disease. Pet oral health that is not attended to regularly can lead to severe issues that affect not just dental health, but the overall health of the animal.

Once evidence of dental disease manifests, damage is present. Unchecked dental disease can eventually affect the health of the animal’s heart, liver and kidneys, draining vitality and the pet’s overall enjoyment of life. Symptoms of pet dental problems include bad breath, red or bleeding gums, loose teeth, excessive drooling, dropping food, loss of appetite and shying away from having their mouth or jaw area touched.

While some of these symptoms may indicate minor issues, others can mark the start of periodontal disease. Regular dental screenings are the best defense, as plaque forms in pets’ mouths just like in humans, leading to the accumulation of harmful bacteria. If the plaque and bacteria are not removed while soft, they can then harden, forming tartar that moves under the gums and damages the soft connective tissue there. Regular check-ups can help to prevent gum disease so that pets can avoid more serious dental issues down the road.

Ruth M. Gillis, DVM and owner of Forsyth Veterinary Hospital explains, “Ultimately, prevention is the best approach, requiring ongoing awareness and vigilance from pet owners. Unfortunately, dental disease can often have symptoms that are stealthy and hard to spot; this makes the scheduling of annual wellness exams a must.”

Pet dentistry does require anesthesia, so a thorough pre-dentistry examination will be conducted first to determine each animal’s overall health and fitness level before any dental procedure. Heart rate and vital statistics will be continually monitored during the procedure and recovery.

The staff at Forsyth Veterinary Hospital are committed to taking on the silent epidemic of pet dental disease, and National Pet Dental Health Month provides an ideal opportunity to remind pet owners of their role.

Forsyth Veterinary Hospital is located at 2556 South Stratford Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Those in the public who would like to learn more about pet dental care and the other services offered by Forsyth Veterinary Hospital may do so by calling (336) 765-1225 or by visiting the Forsyth Veterinary Hospital website.

Forsyth Veterinary Hospital, (336) 765-1225