NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 24, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- February has been designated National Pet Dental Health Month by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and Nashville's Murphy Road Animal Hospital is acknowledging this important issue through efforts to raise awareness. They will also be offering 20% off pet dental procedures following pre-surgical blood work.

Statistics show that around 80% of pets over age two have dental issues. Pets not receiving regular dental care run the risk of more serious problems in terms of both oral and overall health. Some of the risks include dental disease and subsequent damage to the animal’s heart and other internal organs. Dental issues are also painful for pets, lowering their vitality and leading to a reduction in well-being and quality of life.

Pet dental issues can have a range of symptoms including bad breath, loose teeth, gum issues, dropping food, excessive drooling, reduction in appetite, and not wanting their jaw or mouth touched. While some symptoms may occur due to minor issues, others can indicate periodontal disease or other more serious dental problems.

Plaque can form in an animal’s mouth just like in humans, and bacteria accumulation is the result. If not addressed and removed while still soft and pliable, the plaque can harden and form tartar that migrates under the pet’s gumline, leading to damage of the gum tissue. The best defense against pet dental problems and related health issues is regular dental exams. An annual health screening is recommended. Regular check-ups can assist in preventing plaque buildup, gum disease and helping pets to avoid more serious health problems down the road.

Dr. I. Craig Prior of Murphy Road Animal Hospital explains, “Prevention is so important in keeping pets healthy, especially when it comes to their oral health. Dental disease can be insidious, and sometimes the symptoms are difficult to detect. This makes annual wellness exams key to ongoing health. Owners should be vigilant about getting their pets in for regular exams to assist with detecting dental problems early, before they develop into more serious health issues.”

The month of February is National Pet Dental Health Month as designated by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). To highlight this important issue, Murphy Road Animal Hospital is offering 20% off pet dental procedures following pre-surgical blood work. Their goal is to raise awareness about pet dental health and lead to healthier, happier pets in the Nashville area.

Murphy Road Animal Hospital is located at 4408 Murphy Road in Nashville, Tennessee. Those interested in learning more about pet dental health as well as the suite of services offered by Murphy Road Animal Hospital may do so by calling (615) 383-4241. The public is also invited to visit the Murphy Road Animal Hospital website for more details.

Murphy Road Animal Hospital, (615) 383-4241