It marked Moscow's deadliest attack in weeks.

Russia has stepped up strikes on the southern city... launching drones or missiles nearly every day this month.

Odesa's regional governor said two missiles were fired from Russian-occupied Crimea into a residential area...

And that a medic and rescuer were killed by the second one after rushing to the scene to help.

Homes, a rec facility and a gas pipeline were all damaged in the attack, according to the southern military command.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy vowed that Russia would receive a, "fair response" for what he described as a "vile" strike.

As one of Ukraine's biggest ports, Odesa has long been a target of Russian attacks.

They ramped up after Moscow quit a U.N.-brokered deal that had allowed safe passage for Ukrainian grain shipments through the Black Sea.

Moscow denies targeting civilians in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which it launched in February 2022... though many have been killed in frequent Russian strikes.