99 Loyalty Limited announced that Mr. Henry Chen, the current CEO of 99 Loyalty has been appointed an Executive Director and re-instated as CFO. Mr. Chen has been with the Company for more than 6.5 years and worked closely with Board in financial and business development during this period. The Board welcomes Mr. Chen back to this role and is supportive of the appointment. Mr. Chen's effective appointment date as Executive Director as at 27th January 2022. The Company's current CFO Ms. Cathy Li, will be re-instated as Financial Controller (previously called Financial Director). Ms. Amalisia Zhang has stepped down as an Executive Director to Non-Executive Director of the
Company. The Board extends its due to Ms. Zhang for her valued contribution over the past 10 years and is supportive of her new role. Ms. Zhang's appointment will provide the Company continuity in accessing her management and operational insights into the business. Ms. Zhang's effective appointment date as Non-Executive Director is 27th January 2022.