Accenture is setting up generative AI studios in nine countries across Asia Pacific and Latin America to respond to growing client interest in the technology. Studios across Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Greater China, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines and Singapore will connect clients with data and AI experts from Accenture, and ecosystem partners, ventures, and other strategic investments to enable rapid experimentation, co-creation and scaling of generative AI solutions using Accenture's responsible AI framework as a foundation. The studios will cater to a wide range of industry and functional needs, but each will also specialize in one or more industries including banking, insurance, telecommunications, public sector, manufacturing, renewable energy, chemicals and mining.

The studios will be operational in January 2024, except in Argentina and Mexico which will join the network later this year. The studios are part of Accenture's $3 billion investment in data and AI. The company also recently announced the launch of specialized services to help clients build their own large language models that are tailored to meet their specific business needs.