Ain Holdings Inc. reported consolidated earnings results for the six months ended October 31, 2016. For the period, net sales were JPY 116,844 million against JPY 106,924 million for the same period prior year. Operating income was JPY 5,049 million against JPY 5,901 million for the same period prior year. Ordinary income was JPY 5,346 million against JPY 6,084 million for the same period prior year. Profit attributable to owners of parent was JPY 2,855 million against JPY 3,295 million for the same period prior year. Earnings per share was JPY 90.07 against JPY 103.93 for the same period prior year. Net cash provided by operating activities was JPY 6,090,841 million against JPY 9,221,681 million for the same period prior year. Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible fixed assets was JPY 1,544,246 million against JPY 4,427,422 million for the same period prior year.

The company reported consolidated financial forecasts for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2017. The company expects net sales were JPY 265,000 million, operating income of JPY 16,300 million, ordinary income of JPY 16,700 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY 9,000 million, and earnings per share of JPY 283.84.