Denne innkallingen er utferdiget både på norsk og på engelsk. Ved uoverensstemmelser mellom de to versjonene, skal den norske versjonen gå foran.




Styret innkaller med dette til ordinær generalforsamling i Aker BioMarine ASA («Selskapet») den 16. april 2024 kl. 13. Generalforsamlingen avholdes som et digitalt møte. Link for deltakelse er tilgjengelig på Selskapets

Styrets leder eller en person utpekt av styrets leder vil åpne generalforsamlingen og foreta registrering av fremmøtte aksjonærer og fullmakter.

Følgende saker foreligger på agendaen:

  1. Valg av møteleder og én person til å medsignere protokollen
  2. Godkjennelse av innkalling og dagsorden
  3. Godkjennelse av årsregnskap og årsberetning for regnskapsåret 2023
  4. Behandling av styrets redegjørelse for foretaksstyring
  5. Behandling av styrets rapport om godtgjørelse til ledende ansatte
  6. Valg av styremedlemmer
  7. Honorar til revisor
  8. Honorar til Styret og revisjonskomité
  9. Honorar til valgkomitéen
  10. Styrefullmakt til å utstede aksjer
  11. Styrefullmakt til å utstede aksjer i forbindelse med incentivprogrammer

This notice has been prepared both in Norwegian and in English. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Norwegian version shall prevail.




The Board of Directors ("Board") hereby calls for the Annual General Meeting of Aker BioMarine ASA (the "Company") at 13.00 CET on 16 April 2024. The Annual General Meeting will be held as a digital event. Link for the meeting is available at the Company's website

The Chair of the Board or a person appointed by the Chair of the Board will open the General Meeting and perform registration of the shareholders in attendance and the powers of attorney.

The following items are on the agenda:

  1. Election of chair of the meeting and one person to co-sign the minutes
  2. Approval of notice and agenda
  3. Approval of annual accounts and annual report for the financial year 2023
  4. Consideration of the Board of Director's report on corporate governance
  5. Consideration of the Board of Director's report on remuneration of leading personnel
  6. Election of board members
  7. Remuneration to the auditor
  8. Remuneration to the Board of Directors and the audit committe
  9. Remuneration to the nomination committee
  10. Board authorisation to issue shares
  11. Board authorisation to issue shares in connection with incentive programs

12 Styrefullmakt til å erverve egne aksjer

* * *


Den ordinære generalforsamlingen vil bli avholdt digitalt gjennom Lumi AGM på Klikk på linken eller kopier URL-en til nettleseren din for å delta på generalforsamlingen. Aker BioMarines møte-ID vil være: 177-672-175.

Ved å delta digitalt gjennom Lumi AGM kan aksjonærene stemme på hvert punkt på dagsordenen, sende inn skriftlige spørsmål fra smarttelefoner, nettbrett eller stasjonære enheter, samt følge live webcast. Det kreves ingen forhåndspåmelding for aksjonærer som ønsker å delta, men aksjonærer må være pålogget før generalforsamlingen starter. Vær oppmerksom på at det ikke vil være mulig å logge på møtet etter at det har startet. Vi oppfordrer derfor aksjonærene til å logge seg inn i god tid før generalforsamlingen. Generalforsamlingen er åpen for innlogging en time før oppstart.

Sikker identifisering av aksjeeiere vil bli gjort ved bruk av PIN-kode og referansenummer oppført på vedlagte skjema eller på aksjonærkonto i VPS Investortjenester.

Fullmakt og forhåndsstemmer

Aksjeeiere som ønsker å delta på generalforsamlingen ved å gi fullmakt, oppfordres til å registre dette elektronisk via

Selskapetshjemmeside via Investortjenester (VPS Investor services).

For å få tilgang til elektronisk fullmakt via Selskapets hjemmeside, må referansenummer

og pinkode angitt på vedlagte påmeldingsskjema oppgis. Alternativt kan vedlagt blankett sendes på epost til, eller postadresse: DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo, Norge.

Selskapet har åpnet for at aksjonærene kan forhåndsstemme. Forhåndsstemmer kan kun registreres elektronisk, enten via Selskapets hjemmeside via Investortjenester (VPS Investor services). For å få tilgang via Selskapets

12 Board authorisation to aquire treasury shares

  • * *


The annual general meeting will be held as a digital meeting via Lumi AGM on Click on the link or copy the URL of your browser to attend at the general meeting. Aker BioMarine meeting ID will be: 177-672-175.

By participating online via Lumi AGM shareholders can vote on each agenda item, submit written questions from smartphones, tablets or stationary devices as well as follow live webcast (in Norwegian). No pre- registration is required for shareholders who want to participate, but shareholders must be logged on before the general meeting starts. Note that it will not be possible to log on to the meeting after it has started. We therefore encourage shareholders to log in well in advance of the general meeting. The general meeting is open for login one hour before start- up.

Secure identification of shareholders will be done using the PIN code and reference number listed on the attached form or on the shareholder's account in VPS Investor Services.

Proxies and advance voting

Shareholders who wish to participate at the annual general meeting through proxy is encouraged to register this electronically

through the Company's website through Investortjenester (VPS Investor service).

To access the electronic system for proxy through the Company's website, the reference number and pin code set out in the attached notice form must be stated. Alternatively, the attached form may be sent by e-mail to, or post: DNB Bank ASA, Registrar's Department, P.O. Box 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo, Norway.

The Company accepts advance votes. Advance votes can only be registered electronically, either through the Company's website through Investortjenester (VPS Investor service). To access through the Company's website, the

2 (3)

hjemmeside, må referansenummer og pinkode angitt på vedlagte påmeldingsskjema oppgis.

Fullmakt med stemmeinstruks til styrets leder kan ikke registreres elektronisk, og vedlagte blankett må sendes til DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice på ovenstående e-post eller postadresse.

Fullmakt, fullmakt med stemmeinstruks eller forhåndsstemmer bes sent inn innen 15. april 2024 kl. 16:00.

Forvalterregistrerte aksjer

  1. henhold til allmennaksjeloven § 1-8, samt forskrift om formidlere omfattet av verdipapirsentralloven § 4-5 med tilhørende
    gjennomføringsforordninger, sendes innkallingen til forvaltere som videresender denne til eierne av de forvalterregistrerte aksjene. Aksjonærer med forvalterregistrerte aksjer må kommunisere med sine forvaltere, som er ansvarlige for å videreformidle stemmer, fullmakter eller påmelding. Forvaltere må i henhold til allmennaksjeloven § 5-3 registrere dette hos Selskapet senest to virkedager før generalforsamlingen, det vil si senest 12. april 2024.

Elektronisk investorinformasjon

Selskapet oppfordrer aksjonærene til å motta investormeldinger fra verdipapirsentralen (Euronext VPS) elektronisk, både fra et miljø- og kostnadsperspektiv. For å motta investorinformasjon elektronisk, herunder innkalling til generalforsamling, besøk nettbanken din eller (logg inn via myVPS øverst til høyre).

Per dato for innkallingen er det totalt 87 672 748 aksjer i Selskapet, hver pålydende NOK 6,00 og hver med én stemme på Selskapets generalforsamling.

reference number and pin code set out in the attached notice of attendance form must be stated.

Proxy with voting instructions to chair of the board cannot be registered electronically, and attached form must be sent DNB Bank ASA, registrars department on the above e-mail or postal address.

Proxy, proxy with voting instructions or advance votes are asked to be sent in by 15 April 2024 at 4:00 pm.

Shares held in custodian accounts

Pursuant to the Public Limited Liability Companies Act section 1-8, as well as regulations on intermediaries covered by section 4-5 of the Central Securities Depository Act and related implementing regulations, notice is sent to custodians who pass on to shareholders for whom they hold shares. Shareholders must communicate with their custodians, who is responsible for conveying votes, proxies or registration. Custodians must according to section 5-3 of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act register this with the Company no later than two working days before the general meeting, i.e. no later than 12 April 2024.

Electronic Investor Information

The Company urges shareholders to receive investor messages from the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (Euronext VPS) electronically, both from an environmental and cost perspective. To receive investor

information electronically, including invitations to general meetings, visit your online bank or (log in via myVPS in the top-right corner).

As of the date of this notice, there are a total of 87,672 748 shares of the Company, each with a nominal value of NOK 6.00 and each representing one vote at the Company's General Meeting.

Lysaker, 20. mars 2024

Lysaker, 20 March 2024

Styret i Aker BioMarine ASA

The Board of Directors of Aker BioMarine ASA

3 (3)

Ref no:

PIN code:

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Meeting in Aker BioMarine ASA will be held on 16 April 2024 at 13:00. Digital meeting.

The shareholder is registered with the following amount of shares at summons: _________ and vote for the number of shares

registered in Euronext per Record date 15 April 2024.

The Annual General Meeting will be held as a digital meeting only, with no physical attendance for shareholders. The deadline for electronic registration of advance votes, proxy of and instructions is 15 April at 4:00 pm (CET).

Electronic registration

Step 1 - Register during the enrollment/registration period:

  • Either through the company's a reference number and PIN - code (for those of you who receive the notice by post-service), or
  • Log Log in through VPS Investor services; available at through own account manager (bank/broker). Once logged in - choose Corporate Actions - General Meeting - ISIN

You will see your name, reference number, PIN - code and balance. At the bottom you will find these choices:

"Enroll" - There is no need for registration for online participation, enrollment is not mandatory "Advance vote" - If you would like to vote in advance of the meeting

"Delegate Proxy" - Give proxy to the chair of the Board of Directors or another person "Close" - Press this if you do not wish to register

Step 2 - The general meeting day:

Online participation: Please login through You must identify yourself using the reference number and PIN - code from VPS - see step 1 above. Shareholders can also get their reference number and PIN code by contacting DNB Bank Registrars Department by phone +47 23 26 80 20 (08:00-am - 3:30 pm).

If you are not logged in before the meeting starts, you will be granted access, but without the right to vote.

Ref no:


Form for submission by post or e-mail for shareholders who cannot register their elections electronically.

The signed form can be sent as an attachment in an e-mail* to this form) or by post service to DNB Bank Registrars Department, P.O Box 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo. Deadline for registration of advance votes, proxies and instructions must be received no later than 15 April at 4:00 pm (CET). If the shareholder is a company, the signature must be in accordance with the company certificate.

*Will be unsecured unless the sender himself secure the e-mail

_______________ shares would like to be represented at the general meeting in Aker BioMarine ASA as

follows (mark off):

  • Open proxy for the Board of Directors or the person he or she authorizes (do not mark the items below)
  • Proxy of attorney with instructions to the Board of directors or the person he or she authorizes (mark "For", "Against" or "Abstain" on the individual items below)
  • Advance votes («For», «Against» or «Abstain» on the individual items below)
  • Open proxy to (do not mark items below - agree directly with your proxy solicitor if you wish to give instructions on how to vote)


(enter the proxy solicitor's name in the block letters)

Note: Proxy solicitor must contact DNB Bank Registrars Department by phone +47 23 26 80 20 (08:00 am - 3:30 pm) for login details.

Voting must take place in accordance with the instructions below. Missing or unclear markings are considered a vote in line with the Board's and the nomination committee's recommendations. If a proposal is put forward in addition to, or as a replacement for, the proposal in the notice, the proxy determines the voting.

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting 2024





Election of Chair of the Meeting and one person to co-sign the minutes


Approval of notice and agenda


Approval of annual accounts and the annual report for the financial year 2023


Consideration of the Board of Director's report on Corporate Governance


Consideration of the Board of Directors' report on remuneration of leading personnel


Election of Board members


Remuneration to the auditor


Remuneration to the Board of Directors and the audit committee


Remuneration to the nomination committee


Board authorisation to issue shares


Board authorisation to issue shares in connection with incentive programs


Board authorisation to acquire treasury shares



Shareholder's signature (Only for granting proxy with voting instructions)



Aker BioMarine ASA published this content on 19 March 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 March 2024 07:13:05 UTC.