Teamsters at Anheuser-Busch voted by an overwhelming 86% to ratify a five-year agreement that significantly raises pay, improves health care and retirement benefits, and protects all members' jobs. The new agreement rewards 5,000 Teamsters working at Anheuser-Busch breweries nationwide. Highlights of the 2024-2029 Anheuser-Busch Teamsters contract include: Significant job security for all 5,000 Teamsters at Anheuser-Busch, including brewers, packagers, and warehouse workers, Wage increases of $8/hour, including an immediate $4/hour raise in the first year ?

average wage increases total 23% over the length of the agreement, $2,500 ratification bonus for every member, An end to two-tier health care, providing all workers with the same high-quality Teamsters health care coverage, Increased pension contributions and benefits nationwide, Increased maximum vacation accrual to 8 paid weeks, Restoration of retirement benefits for active and retired members. Ballots were counted Tuesday after three days of in-person voting. The tentative agreement reached on February 28 was unanimously recommended by the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee which includes Teamsters leaders and rank-and-file Anheuser-Busch Teamsters.