Atrys Health, S.A. (BME:ATRY) made an offer to acquire Aspy Global Services S.L. (Sociedad Unipersonal) (BME:AGS) on January 26, 2021. As per terms of transaction, Atrys Health, S.A. will pay €2,875 for each share of Aspy Global Services S.L. or the exchange of 3,147826 Aspy shares for a newly issued Atrys security. Transaction is subject to Atrys Board approval and minimum tender of 90%. Audax, Josï Elïas, which holds 72.3% stake agreed to accept the offer. The shareholders of Atrys Health has approved the transaction. Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados, S.L.P. and Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados, S.L.P. acted as legal advisor to Atrys Health, S.A.

Atrys Health, S.A. (BME:ATRY) completed the acquisition of Aspy Global Services S.L. (Sociedad Unipersonal) (BME:AGS) on April 21, 2021. As per preliminary result declared by the company on May 7, 2021, acceptance received amount to a total of 77.362 million of Apsy, representing 99.36% of ASPY's share capital. In addition, 76.276 million shares representing 97.97% of Aspy's capital stock have accepted the Offer by exchanging their shares for shares of Atrys Health and 1.085 million shares representing 1.39% of Aspy's share capital have requested for cash exchange. The Board of Directors of Atrys scheduled to meet on May 10, 2020 to analyze final results. The Atrys takeover bid obtains the support of 99.75% of the capital of Aspy. Aspy shareholder approved the exclusion agreement. The exclusion agreement will begin on July 1, 2021 and will expire on August 1, 2021. The Exclusion Offer was manages a total of 0.197189 million shares of Aspy, which represent 0.25% of its share capital. As on June 29, 2021, exclusion agreement is approved by the Shareholders of Aspy Global Services S.L. Aspy's General Meeting dated June 29, 2021, under item six on the agenda, the price offered by Atrys in this Exclusion Offer is the same price as that offered in cash under the Prior Offer, that is, €2,875 per Aspy share. As of August 1, 2021, the offer acceptance period has expired of Exclusion and that it has been accepted by 18 shareholders of 186,705 shares of Aspy Global Services, S.A. representing 2.4% stake. Aspy Global Services, S.A. will be delisted from the exchange. Ernst & Young Services Corporatives, S.L acted as fairness opinion provider to Aspy's.