Bacanora Minerals Ltd. announced the appointment of Dr. Andres Antonius, who is based in Mexico City, and Mr. Junichi Tomono, head of the Speciality Metals and Alloys department of Hanwa Co., LTD. ("Hanwa"), as Non-executive Directors of the company. Such appointments have been approved by the Board of Bacanora and will take full effect upon completion of standard regulatory reviews, which are underway. The two appointments replace Mr. James Leahy, who has stepped down from the Board to pursue other business interests, and Mr. Kiran Morzaria who resigned from his position as Non-executive Director of the company earlier this year. Dr. Antonius previously served as Undersecretary for Energy Policy and prior to that was a staff member at the Agriculture Secretariat. Junichi Tomono has over 22 years' experience with Hanwa, during which time he has worked in the Metals, Chemicals, Alloys, Scrap metals and Mining divisions. Mr. Tomono has a special focus on the battery chemicals sector including lithium.