Beam Global announced orders from the California Department of General Services (DGS) for several of the top State Agencies, adding to Beam's footprint in its leading market in the United States. The EV ARC?? systems were purchased using the California Department of General Services ("DGS") contract #1-22-61-16 which simplifies the state procurement process and ensures the best negotiated pricing.

The solar-powered EV ARC?? EV charging infrastructure products are off-grid, generate and store their own electricity, and are deployed with no electrical work, no construction, and no utility bill, reducing California's costs through avoided construction, electrical upgrades, operational disruptions, and ongoing utility bills. EV ARC??

systems provide EV charging where it is too expensive, time consuming, disruptive or impossible to connect to the utility grid. They also continue to charge EVs during blackouts and include an optional Emergency Power Panel that can provide vital electricity to first responders during disasters, emergencies and power outages.