7 January 2013 ASX Statement/ Media Release Letters and notices from MCX requisitioning meeting

Becton Property Group Limited ("Becton" or "the Company") (ASX: BEC) has been served with letters and Notices of Requisition from Mariner Corporation Limited ("Mariner"), a substantial shareholder holding stapled securities representing 18.23 per cent of the voting power of the Company.
The letters and notices:
1. advise of Mariner's intention to convert its holding of options in the Company and Becton Property Trust, subject to the securityholder approval referred to below. If all of these options are converted this would give Mariner an 31.28 per cent holding in each of the Company and Becton Property Trust, based on the current capital structure, and
2. requisition directors to convene a general meeting of shareholders and unitholders of Becton to:
a. approve the conversion of all 1,567,364 of Mariner's options Becton
Property Group Limited into Becton to shares
b. approve the conversion of all 1,567,364 of Mariner's options in Becton
Property Trust into units in the trust, and
c. elect Mr Darren Olney-Fraser as a director of Becton.
Becton is considering the notice and letters and will update securityholders and the market in due course.



For further information, please contact: Miche Paterson

Kreab Gavin Anderson

03 9659 3000 | 0400 353 762


For further information, please contact: Monika Lancucki

Becton Property Group

03 9832 9014 I 0413 440 236

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