The Board of Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited announced that on 28 December 2023, the Company entered into the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement with Capital Airport Holdings Media Company Limited (CAHM), pursuant to which the Company (as lessor) agreed to lease certain office and storage premises of Terminal Two and Terminal Three of Beijing Capital Airport to CAHM (as lessee) for a term of two years, commencing from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025. Pursuant to the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement, the Company shall lease certain office and storage premises of Terminal Two and Terminal Three of Beijing Capital Airport to CAHM, with the specific location, area and the scope of use of premises being set out in the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement. The Company shall, at the same time, provide the necessary appertaining passageways, stairs and facilities to CAHM. CAHM shall pay leasing fee to the Company in relation to the lease of terminal premises in accordance with the terms of the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement. Based on the unit leasing fee as particularised in the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement and the current area of premises leased to CAHM, the total leasing fees for the two-year term of the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement shall be RMB 5,326,560. The leasing fee comprises (i) the rental for premises and (ii) the comprehensive management fees. The rental for premises includes, among other things, the land usage fee, the apportionment of depreciation of the premises, the regular maintenance fee of the premises and the maintenance fee of the public area. The unit price of rental for the premises is set out in the CAHM Premises Leasing Agreement, which is determined after arm's length negotiations in accordance with the finance management regulations of the Company and is not less than the level of rental charged by the Company to independent third parties for similar premises. The comprehensive management fees refer to the fees for the provision of basic services and facilities to CAHM, including fees relating to hygiene, environmental protection, greening, security, insurance and fire control, which include fees for lavatories, handling of passageway waste, cleaning of public area, and interior security. In line with the Company's arrangements with its tenants (including independent third parties of the
Company) at the terminal premises of Beijing Capital Airport, energy usage fee for the consumption of electricity and other energy at the leased premises will be collected by the Company from CAHM and remitted to the relevant energy supplier.